3g an atjstralian language.
Imperatite Mood.
TJmulla bi, ' make thou.'
Umau-umulla bi, (reduplication) ' make tliou diligently.'
Umulla bula, 'make ye two' (reciprocally).
Umull-ia bi, ' make thou thyself (reflexive).
Umea-ka, ' make again' ; uma-kea, ' make instantly.'
TTma-buu-billa bon unni, ' permit him to make this.'
Umara-bun-billa unni, 'permit this to be made.'
��UpuUiko ' to do,' ' to perform,' ' to use in action.'
Indicatiye Mood.
T. 1. Upan bag gali ko T. 4. Upa bag gali ko
T. 9. Upa-nun bag gali ko.
T. 1. Upullin bag gali ko T. 4. Upala bag gali ko
3. Upulli-ela „ „ „ 7. Upulli-kolag „ „ „
T. 9. Upulli-nun bag gali ko
Gontinuative. T. 1. Upulli-lin bag gali ko T. 3. Upulli-li-ela bag gali ko
Reflexive. T. 5. Upull-eua bag gali ko
T. 1 . TJpull-an ball gali ko
Subjunctive Mood.
T. 10. TJpulli-ko, ' to do, to use in action.' TJpulli-koa, 'to continue to do,' as, ' to work with.' Upan-uwil-koa bag, ' that I might do.' Upea-kun-koa bag, 'lest I should do.' Upa-nun bi ba, ' when thou doest,' or ' if thou do.' Upai-ga bag, ' I had almost done.' Upa-pa bag ba, ' had I done,' or ' if I had done.'
Imperative Mood. Upulla, ' do,' ' use ' in action.
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