��Tetti-ba-bunbilliko, m., to per- mit to die, to let die. Tetti-ba-bun-burrilHko, m., to permit to be put to death bj some means. Tetti-bug-gulliko, in., to compel
to be dead, to kill, to murder. Tetti-buUiko, m., to die, to be in
the act of dying. Tetti-bunkulliko, ;;;., to smite
dead, to strike dead. Tetti-burrilliko, m., to cause to
die by some means, as poison. Tetti-kakilliko, m., to be dead,
to be ill that state. Tiir-bug-ga-bunbilliko, m., to
let break. Tiir-bug-sulliko, m., to compel
to break. Tiirburribunbilliko, «?., to per- mit to break by means of . . . . Tiirburrilliko, m., to break by
means of something. Tiirkullibunbilliko,'»?., to allow
to break of itself. Tiirkulliko, «?., to break of its
own itself, as wood. Tirag-kakilliko,w?., to beawake. Tirriki, m., to be red. hot ; the
colour red. Tittilliko, m., to pluck. Tiwolliko, m., to seek, to search. Tiyumbilliko, m., to send any
kind of property, cf., yukul-
liko. Tokol, m., to be true ; the truth;
this takes 'bo ta' with it. Toldg-tolog, m.,to separate. Tolomulliko, m., to shake any
thing. Torololal, m., to be slippery,
slimy. Tottdg and tdttorig ; m., to be
naked. This word must be
carefully distinguished from
' tdtug,' news, intelligence.
��Tug-gunbil]iko,w2., to show. Tugkatnulliko, m., to find ; lit.,
to make to appear. Tiigkilliko, m., to cry, to bewail. Tuirkulliko, in., to drag along,
to draw. Tukin-umulliko, m.,to preserve,
to keep, to take care of. Tukkara, m., to be cold. Tulbulliko, m., to run fast, to
Tullamulliko, m., to hold by the hands.
Tulla-tullai, m., to be in a rage.
Tuloin, m., to be narrow.
Tulutilliko, m., to kick.
Tunbilliko, ;;?., to exchange.
Tiinbamabunbilliko, m., to per- mit to string together.
Tvinbamulliko, m., to string to- gether.
Turabunbilliko, m., to permit to
pierce. Turakaiyelliko, m.,to convince. Turinwiyelliko, «?., to swear the
truth, to adjure to speak the
truth. Turdl, m., to be in a state of
healing, to be well ; as a cut
or wound. Turdnpiri, m., to suffer hunger. Turral, in., to split. Turral-bug-gulliko, )n.,to cause
to split, to make to split. Turramulliko, m., to throw a
stone. Turrug, m., to be close together. Turukdnbilliko, in., to punish. Turukilliko, in., to grow up, to
shoot up. Turulliko, in., to pierce, prick,
stab, sting, lance, spear. Tiitdg, in., to be stunned, in- sensible, apparently dead.
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