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Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/294

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��Lredd ta — tlie bread, as a sub- ject; it is bread. Bredd-to — the bread, as agent. Brimton — l^ng. , brimstone. Bu — sounds as Eng. ' bull '; r/!*" -bug — sounds as J^'ng. ' bung.' -bug — as an auxiliary particle,

posttixed to the verb, denotes

personal and causative agency, -buggulliko — to act effectually by

]iersonal agency ; to cause to. Bug — sounds as in Ung. 'l^oon,'

l)ut with the strong nasal ng

instead of the n ; cf*. Bugbug — to salute. Bugbugga — vinloosed; did open. BugbugguUiko — to act upon so

as to unloose ; to open a book. Biigbug-ka — saluted, did salute

vv-ith a kiss. Bugbiigkulliko — to salute with

a kiss. Buggai — now; to-da}' ; present

time. Buggaikal — of to-day; belonging

to the present period ; of this

time ; new ; fresh. BugkuUeun — did become. Bugkulliko — to cause to be, by

its own power ; to become. Bukk — sounds as Eng. 'buck.' Bukka — anger ; ferociousnes-s. Bukka-butti-bugkea — the more

wrathful (angry, enraged). Bukka-ka-ke — to be in an angry,

wrathful, savage state ; to be

an avenger. Bukka-kakilli-kanne — anything

which is in a state of anger ;

wrath ; enmity.

��Bukka-kakilliko — to l)e in a

state of anger (wrath, rage,

enmity). Bukka-kan — one who is angry ;

l)eing angry ; an enemy. Bukka-kan-to— one who is angry

{or an enemy) acting as agent. Bukka-kan-toa — the angry one,

as an agent ; the adversary- ;

the enemy. Bukka kauwal — great anger. Bukka -raai-ye — one who is liabit-

ually angry. Bukka-mai yikora — imi'). npg.,^)^

not angry. Bukka manun — will do angrily. Bukka-ta-kal — in a state of rage. Bula — dual, ye two. Bill — for its sound c/.*. Bui — sounds as Eng. 'bull.' Biilbiil — the heart. Bulbiil la — in the heart. Bulbiil-lo — the heart, as agent. Biilbul labirug — -out of the heart Bulka — the back of the hand or

body ; any hill or mountain ;

a protuberance. Bulka kako — at or on the back. Bulkara — to (unto) the back, &c. Bulkiira karig — all the moun- tains or hills. Bulkaru kolag — towards the hill. Bulkura-ta — it is the mountain ;

the mountain. Bulkaroa — throughout the back

(or hill, mountain). Buloai'a — two. Buloara-bula — dual, they two ;

the two ; both. Buloara-buloara — two and two.

��*NoTE. — li always, and u before a single consonant, are sounded like u in Eng. ' bull.'

ii always, and u before tico consonants, are sounded as u in Eng. ' hull.' See page 4.

Throughout the Lexicon, i-eference to this Note is made by c/.* —Ed.

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