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Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/309

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��Kiyubulliko — to do ■with tire ; to roast or broil.

Kiyu-ta-ba — done o?* destroyed by tire ; roasted ; burned.

Kleopa — j))'.n., Cleopas.

Ivo—2)article, for the purpose of.

Koa — in order to ; that. . .might.

Koai-koai-kakiliiivO — to be strut- ting like a turkey-cock ; to be lifted up or proud.

Koai-koai-kan — being proud ; one who is proud.

Koai-koai korien — not proud.

Koai-koai-umuUiko — to make proud.

Koakillai-ta — contention ; any strife of words.

Koakillan: — strives with words ; does quarrel o)' rebuke.

Koakilleun — did rebuke, itc.

Koakillicla — did rebuke.

Koakilliko — to scold; toquarrel; to contend ; to rebuke.

KoakuUa — rebuked.

Koatan — swears at. [at.

Koatelliko — to curse ; to swear

Koawa — im])., chide ; rebuke.

Koba — of or belonging to any tiling ; -umba — of or belong- ing to any 'person.

KobAna — Eng., governor.

Kobana kinko — dat. 2, to the governor.

Koba-toara — that which is in possession ; that which is ob- tained.

Koiro — an herb.

Koito — therefore; for; because ; consequently.

Koito-ba — therefore as ; because it is so.

Koito noa ba — for as he... ; for when he. . . ; because he

Koiwon — rain.

Koiwon tanan ba — as the rain approaches.

Koiy:i — murmured ; repined.

��Koiyelliko — to murmur ; to re- pine ; to rebuke.

Koiyelli koa — in order to re- buke ; that... might rebuke.

Koiyug — fire.

Koi^^ug ka — in the fire ; is in the fire.

Koiyug kako — in (into) the fire.

Koiyug-ko — fire, as an agent.

Koiyiin — shyness ; shame.

Koiyun-bara-toaro — down ash- amed ; to be abased.

Koiyim-batoara^that which is become ashamed.

Koiyuu kakilliko — to be in a state of shame ; to be ashamed.

Koiyunkanun — will be a.shamed.

Kokera — habitation ; hut ; shel- ter ; tent ; tabernacle; house; palace ; temple.

Kokera — dat., at or in the house, temple, itc,

Kokera birug — away from out of) the house.

Kokera ka — dat. 1, to the house.

Kokera kolag — dat. 2, towards the house.

Kokera karig — all the houses ; the whole of the houses ; the tillage, town, city.

Kokera kolag kokerd kolag — to- wards the houses ; from house to house.

Kokeratin — the master (ownei-, landlord) of the house.

Kokeratin-to — the master of the house, as an agent.

Kokeroa — through the house.

Kokerrin — from (on account of) the house.

Kokoi-kokoi — surrounde;d; in- closed.

Kokoin — fresh wa,ter ; cf. bato.

Kokoin-kan — one having water; po.ssessing water ; dropsical.

Kokoin-kan-to — a dropsical per- son, as an agent.

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