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Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/389

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��JS^oin. 1. Minyangauua, miuyaggarranna, 'what (is it)'? nom. 2., minyallu, 'what (does it;'? (/en., minyangu or minyagguba, ' belonging to what "? daf., minyaggu, ' to or for what'? ace, minyang, ' what ' ? ailaf Ives, m'lnj a ggurgu, 'towards what'? minyalla, 'in or on what'? minyalalia, 'on what'? niinyalli, 'from what'? minyandurada, 'with what'? minyagguliadhi, 'like what'? minyagguor, niin- yaggarra, ' in what place ' 'where'?


��Words, PJirases, ajid Sentences in the Wirddhari dialect.


[In this Vocabulary, cly=j ; ng=either the nasal g or n-g in separate •syllables ; -nga final of the verbals, if preceded by i, may be pronounced -nya from the influence of the i ; j) and t are so like h and d in sound that the author has not given a separate place to them. Words marked with t have come in from other dialects. The verbs are given in the present Indi- cative-, to form the Infnitive, gu, 'to,' is added on after the verb-stem. There are probably some mistakes' still in this Vocabulary, although much labour has been spent in getting its contents made fit for the press. — Ed.]


��Ba— frost ; a cold winter.

Babang — winter.

Babannirra — to make 07^ to be

very hot. Babbildain — a singer. Babbilla — a wild cat. Babbimubang — -fatherless. Babbin — father. Babbir — large.

Babbirbambarra-to sing a song. Babbirbang — slender. Babbirra — to sing. Babin — a nettle. Badanin — the gum of the ' kur-

rajong' tree. Badda — a bite.

Badda — the bank of the river. Baddabaddambul — very soon. Baddabaddarra — to scrape and

then use the teeth like a dog.

��Baddabaddagijillinga — to gnash

the teeth together. Baddal — a kind of hair plaiting ;

the hair made into a bunch. Baddambirra — to catch fish. Baddan — sooner, before, ere. Baddang — a cloak, a blanket. Baddangal— a long-marriedman Baddanni — the gum of a tree. Baddarbaddar — a native bird. Baddarra — to bite. tBaddawal — the native weapon

known as the ' bumarang '; cf.

' bargan.' Baddawar — a weapon like the

' bargan,' but with a knob at

one end. Baddawaral — a dry plain. Baddiang — nonsense. Baddins: — an edible root.

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