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Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/450

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another niglit he lay dead in gronnd ; next morning alive he became, arose. Soon after to heaven he ■went. Now Inmianuel in heaven dwells ; he all sees ; all knows.

15. Murniba Immanucl ; liamil gara^edul murruba yealokwai germa. Yerala Immanuel yealo taongo taiyanille; geaiie kanugo gLimmille. Iramanuel kaia goalie ; ila kanugo bahui, giwir, iuar, kaigal kariiigo inoroii gigi. Immanucl goalie : ' Minna inda gi- mobi ? minna inda gimobi ? indamurruba gimobi ? inda gununda taiyanuga gnnagullago ; inda kagil gimobi? inda biru yanuga, urribvi yanuga.' .

Good is Immanuel; not another is good like Him. Hereafter Immanuel again to earth will come ; we all shall see. Immanuel aloud will speak ; then all the dead, men, women, and children, all alive shall liecome. Immanuel will say : 'What hast thou done? what hast thou done? thou good hast done ? thou to me come to heaven ; thou evil hast done ? thou far go, very far go a-way.'

16. Griru ginda kagil ginyi ; inda warawara yanani ; giru Baia- me yili ginyi. Baiame yalvvuga murruba ; gcane kanugo wara- wara yanani. "Winugulla : kamil gaia yal goalda; giru gaia go- alda. Immanuel girribatai yarine, gunagulladi taongo. Kanugo giwir k:igil ginyi ; Immanuel gandil murruba ; Immanuel ba- luni, giwir moron gigigo.

Truly thou bad hast become ; thovT astray hast gone ; truly God angry is. God always is good ; we all astray have gone. Hearken : not I lies tell; truth I tell. Immanuel from above came down, from heaven to earth. All men bad are become ; Immanuel only is good ; Immanuel died, men alive for to l>e.

17. Teladu Baiame goalda: ' Gindai, kanugo giwir, kurria kagil gigile, beriidi warraia ; geane murru irurnle ; kamil gaia yili gigila ; murruba Immanuel baluni.' Yeladu Immanuel goalda : ' Taiyanuga gununda, kanugo gindai iggil, ila gaia gindai tubbia- mulle.' Inda taiyanuga Immanuelgo.

Now (iod saith : ' Ye, all men, cease bad to be, turn ye ; we will be reconciled. Not I angry am. Good Immanuel died.' Now Immanuel saith : ' Come unto me, all ye weary, then I you will cause to rest." You come to Immanuel.

18. Giwir guddelona Littraga ; bain dinna tuggor, gurribu bain ge bain ; kamil yaneliua. Paul, Barnaba cllibu, aro yanani. Paul goaldone ; baindul germa winugailone. Paul knia gnmmildone ; kaknldone : ' Waria gui'riba dinnaga.' Tuggordul parine, yanani cllibu.

A man dwelt at Lystra ; with sick foot diseased, very ill indeed ; not he could walk. Paul, Barnabas also, there came. Paul was speaking ; the lame man him was hearing. Paul earnestly looked ; he cried aloud : ' Stand upright on feet.' The lame man leapt, walked also.

19. Burulabu giwir gummi ; goe 'gipai'! kakiildone : 'Bai- ame bularyari]ie yealokwai giwir.' Paul, Barnaba ellibu, bunna- gunne, kakuldone : ' Kurria ! kamil geane Baiame ; geane giwir yealokwai gindai; geane guiye duri ; geane budda ginyi; geane yili ginyi ; yealo geane murru gurrigiUone ; geane murru goalda burulabu: kurria gindai vealo kagil gigile ; berudi warraia, gum-

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