"Wea, be uiine man-nun? man-niin bang; «?., wilt thou take
Say, thou this take-will ? take-will I, this ? I will take. Kaaran bang man-nun; m., I will not take.
Not I take-will.
"Wea, unnemurrong?murrorong-ta unnoa; ?«., is this good?
Say, this good ? good that. that is good.
Wea, unne murron warekul? murron-ta unnoa.
Say, this tame dog. tame that.
m., is this a tame dog? that is tame. "Wea, unne buk-ka ? buk-ka-ta unnoa; w?., is this savage?
Say, this savage ? savage that. that is savage.
Wea, unte-wan-ta pibelo? unn-am-bo-ta.
Say, here there pipe? there.
m., is the pipe here? it is, at this place. "Wea, ba-le wa-la? won-ta-ring? Sydney ko-ba.
Say, thoii-I move-do ? where ? Sydney to.
on., shall thou and I go ? where ? to Sydney. Wea, unnoa porol? porol-ta unnoa; w., is that heavy ? it is
Say, that heavy ? heavy this. heavy this.
Ivaawi; wir-wir-ran-ta unne ; m., it is not (heavy) ; it is light
No ; light this. this.
AVea, tea be ngu-nun ? ?«., (what) wilt thou give me ?
Say, to me thou give-will? Ngu-nun bang-nu ngeroung; m., I will give it thee.
Give-will I-it for-thee.
AVea, bula tanan wa-la? wea, ngaan tanan wa-la?
Say, ye two approach move-do ? say, we approach move-do?
111., will ye two come ? shall we come ? Wea, be wa-nun ammoung katoa ? «2.,wiltthou go withme?
.Say, thou move-will me with ?
Wea, bountoa wa-nun* ngeroung katoa? w., will she go
Say, she move-will thee with ? with thee ?
Wea, bountoa unnung ka-nun ngeroung kin?
Say she there be-will thee with.
in., will she live with thee?
IG. Ka-i ; Ka-bo ; m., come ; siop, remain, he still, lialL
Ka-i! unte-ko tanan wa-la; m., be thou here, approach,
Come! here-to approach move-do. move.
Ka-bo! unnambo yalla\va-la unnoa ;«?., be thou where thou
Stop! there rest there art; rest thou there.
Tanoa! be bunke yekora; kaaran bang bun korean.
Let be! thou strike not; not I strike not.
•;».., let it be ; do not thou strike; I am not about to strike.
Yanoa, be bunke yekora bounnoun; m., let be; do not
Let be, thou strike not her. thou strike her.
- It isnot yet exactly decided whether wa-nun or waw-nun or wan-nun.
Wa is a verb of motion. Hence it means ' to come or to go.' The verbs tanan, 'to ajjproach,' and wita, 'to depart, ' determins 'the sense.'
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