Page:An English-Chinese dictionary of the Foochow dialect.pdf/17

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Alas, kō̤-sêk: what a pity! â̤ siāng; găi siāng.

Albino, băh-nè̤ng.

Album, sióng-buó.

Alcohol, hūi-cīu.

Alert, on one's guard, dŏng-hòng: brisk, léu.

Alight, lŏ̤h: – as a bird,

Alike, siŏh-iông; sŏng-chiông; dè̤ng-iông; sŏng-dè̤ng: to be –, siŏng-sê̤ṳ.

Alive, uăk.

All, lūng-cūng; dŭ; cṳ̆-huàng: – persons, cé̤ṳng-nè̤ng: – things, uâng ŭk: all of us, nè̤ng-gă gáuk nè̤ng: all day, ciòng nĭk; táu nĭk: all at once, có̤-siŏh-â.

Allay, cī: – pain, tìáng: – thirst, cī kák.

Allegory, gēng kĭng.

Alley, haé̤ng; hè̤ng-háe̤ng; láe̤ng; lè̤ng-l(illegible text)e̤ng.

Allied, sṳ̆k.

Alligator, ngáuk-ngṳ̀.

Allot, hŭng-huák; hŭng-tăng; buŏng.

Allow, ké̤ṳk; ṳ̀ng; cūng; éng-hṳ̄.

Allowable, â̤ cūng dék; â̤ sāi dék.

Allude, cī.

Ally, V. to unite by friendship, gău-gă: form friendship with another country, ug-siŏng.

Almanac, uòng-lík; tŭng-cṳ̆.

Almighty, ciòng nèng.

Almond, hâing-ìng.

Almost, chă-bók-dŏ̤; hiēng-siĕ.

Alms, to give –, sié-cá̤; siā-sié; cĭu-cá̤: (term used by beggars) bó̤-sié.

Aloes, lù-guó̤i; tìng-hiŏng.

Aloft, diŏh gà̤-dēng.

Alone, dŭk-dŭk: single handed, dăng-chīu.