Page:An English-Chinese dictionary of the Foochow dialect.pdf/19

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Amiss, ng diŏh; ô dâng.

Ammunition, iŏh lièng cī; hūi̤ iŏh.

Among, dṳ̆ng-găng; dâi-dŏng.

Amount, the sum total, gê̤ṳng cūng; gê̤ṳng gié; gê̤ṳng sìng: amounts to how much? éng guāng niŏh-uâi?

Amoy, â-muòng.

Amphibious, cūi lṳ̆k gì séu.

Ample, spacious, kuăng chiōng; guōng kuák: enough, ô gáu; gáu ngiăh.

Amputate, gé̤ṳ.

Amulet, hù; hù-dô̤i.

Amuse, sāi nè̤ng lŏk: – as a child, piéng.

Amusement, káh-lièu dâi; lŏk-sê̤ṳ.

Amusing, ô ché̤ṳ; ô mê; hō̤ chiéu.

Anaemia, mò̤ cūi sáik; sék háik.

Anaesthetic, mùng-gâng-iŏh.

Analogous, sŏng chiông.

Analyse, chŭi nguòng.

Anarchy, huāng-luâng; náung; hŭng-hŭng-náung: to produce –, iēu luâng.

Anatomy, ciòng tā̤ chiĕng mì.

Ancestor, cū-cŭng.

Ancestral, – temple, sṳ̀-dòng: – tablet, cūng-tó̤; bà̤-tó̤; sìng-cṳ̄-bà̤.

Anchor, N. déng; V. páh déng; pă déng; bŏ̤h sùng: to weigh –, kī déng; kŭi tàu.

Anchorage, ó̤-tàu; bŏ̤h sùng gì ói-ché̤ṳ.

Ancient, gū; gū-cā: in – times, gū-cā sì-hâiu.

And, gâe̤ng; lièng; bô; giĕng; (used in numeration) lìng: one hundred and three, siŏh-báh lìng săng.

Aneurism, háik-lìu.

Angel, tien̆g-sé̤ṳ.

Anger, nô; nô ké.

Angle, N. gáe̤k: V. – for fish, diéu ngṳ̀.