Page:An English-Chinese dictionary of the Foochow dialect.pdf/26

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Asthma, hĕu.

Astonish, sāi nè̤ng cháuk-ngáuk.

Astonished, cháuk-ngaúk.

Astray, páh-dâung-dió; giàng dâng-diô.

Astringent, – medicine, sĭu liēng iŏh.

Astrology, sĭng hŏk: astrologer, sĭng sê̤ṳ.

Astronomy, tiĕng-ùng: astronomer royal, kīng-tiĕng-gáng.

Astute, lìng gáuk.

Asylum, foundling –, iōng-ṳ̆k-dòng: leper –, gŭ-lō̤-iêng.

At, diŏh; lŏ̤h; câi: – home, diŏh; diŏh chió; lŏ̤h chió: – once, cêu: – first, bô̤-câ: – last, dó̤-dā̤; sák-mūi̤.

Atlas, dê-lī-dù gì cṳ̆; dê dù cháh.

Atmosphere, tiĕng ké.

Atom, chiĕng dìng.

Atone, sṳ̆k; bùi̤: – for sin, sṳ̆k cô̤i.

Atrocious, hṳ̆ng-áuk.

Attach, – to the end of, sié.

Attached, sŏng-lièng: – by affection, chĭng iĕk; sŏng-tiáng.

Attack, gŭng.

Attain, gain, dáik: reach, gâu: attainable, â̤ dáik dék.

Attempt, ché có̤.

Attend, fix the mind on, ê̤ṳng sĭng; ciŏng sĭng: wait on, têng-hâiu; sê̤ṳ-hâiu: – to, as business, gáng; lièu-li.

Attendant, personal –, kiê-sĭng: domestic servant, gă-ìng; followers, gṳ̆ng-băng.

Attention, lìu-sĭng.

Attentive, gīng-sêng.

Attest, có̤ găng-céng.

Attire, N. ĭ-siòng: V. sê̤ṳng ĭ-sióng; cŏng sók.

Attitude, hìng câung.

Attorney, câung sṳ̆.

Attract, īng: – as a magnet, hiêk.