Page:An English-Chinese dictionary of the Foochow dialect.pdf/28

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Aware, – of, căi-gáe̤k; giéng-gáe̤k; hiēu-dék: not aware of, ng căi-gáe̤k; ng giéng-gáe̤k; mâ̤ hiēu-dék.

Away, absent, mò̤ diŏh lā̤.

Awe, giăng; giăng-huòng; awe-inspiring, uĭ-ngièng.

Awhile, siôh-â; piéng-sì; siŏh-káik-gū; niă-nó̤i-òng.

Awkward, mò̤-sié; chŭ-lū; ng biêng.

Awl, cáung.

Awning, liòng bàng; buó mâng; buó púng.

Awry, uăi.

Axe, puō-tàu

Axiom, cê̤ṳ-iòng gì lī.

Axis, dṳ̆k.

Axle, chiă dṳ̆k.

Azalea, muāng-săng-è̤ng; dô-giŏng huă.


Babble, lâung gōng.

Babe, sá̤ giāng.

Bachelor, old – or widower, dăng-sĭng-gŏ̤: young –, dùng-nàng-giāng.

Back, the –, piăng: behind, du: behind one's –, piăng-âu; buói-âu: back-door, âu muòng: to turn –, hùi̤-diōng-tàu; hùi̤-tàu: to look –, hùi̤-tàu ché̤ṳ: – of a knife blade or comb, cīng.

Backbite, hūi-báung; bài báung.

Backbone, piăng-cék-gáuk.

Backslide, haūng gáu.

Backward, âu: to walk –, dăng-dó̤ giàng: – as in studies, dó̤ tŏk.

Bacon, gă hiŏng nṳ̆k; géng nṳ̆k.

Bad, ngài: (of living things only) áuk: – times, sié mūi̤.

Badge, gé hô̤.