Page:An English-Chinese dictionary of the Foochow dialect.pdf/45

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– a mud wall, dé̤ṳk-chiòng: building materials, cài-lâiu.

Bulb, huă-tàu.

Bulky, lòng-kōng.

Bull, ngù-gē̤ng.

Bullet, iòng-cī; dàng-cī.

Bullion, gold –, gĭng-dèu: silver –, ngṳ̀ng-dèu.

Bullock, dŏng-gì-ngù.

Bully, N. adult –, dê-góng: school –, că̤-gē̤: V. ciâ-duâi ák-siēu.

Bulrush, lù-chāu.

Bulwarks, làng-dò̤.

Bump, – against, pâung.

Bunch, bì; bì-dĭ: – of grapes, siŏh-bì buò-dò̤: a – of keys, siŏh-guâng sō̤-siè.

Bundle, siŏh-bā; siŏh-kūng: to tie into a –, cák; kūng cák.

Bung, kùong-sék.

Bungle, mò̤-sié; dâung-să.

Buoy, pù táe̤ng.

Burden, N. dáng.

Burdensome, kău-ké; tuă-tói.

Burglar, chĕk.

Burmah, Miēng-diêng.

Burn, V. siĕu; hàng: to – a heap of refuse, hàng hūi̤-dŏi.

Burnt, – as one's flesh by the fire, hūi̤ gòng: scorches, ciĕu; diŏh; hĕ̤ng-niàng.

Burnish, láe̤-guŏng; muài-guŏng: burnished, chiáh.

Burst, – as a dam or embankment, bŭng: – as a boil, báuk.

Bury, mài; mài-cáung; muài; muài-cáung: secrete, nĭ: to attend a burial, sáe̤ng-cáung.

Bush, ā̤-chéu.

Business, dâi; dâi-ié; sê̤ṳ: trade, sĕng-é; sĕng-li.

Bustle, nâu; nâu-ĭek; âe̤ng.

Busy, mò̤-èng; ô dâi-iê; huòng: diligent, kṳ̀ng: – body, ó̤i chák-sê̤ṳ gì nè̤ng.