Page:An English-Chinese dictionary of the Foochow dialect.pdf/60

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Cobbler, ciōng-à̤ să-hô.

Cobra, buái-gĭ-giék.

Cobweb, tĭ-tṳ̆-măng.

Cock, giĕ-gáe̤k: – crowing, giéu-găng.

Cockle, hăng.

Cockroach, gâ-lăk.

Cockscomb, giĕ-guói̤.

Cocoa-nut, ià̤-cī.

Cocoon, tè̤ng-dô̤i: silk-worm –, lâu-hū-giāng: to spin a –, uōng sĭ.

Code, lŭk-liê.

Coerce, compel, găng; ăng; ák-lĕk: restrain, gṳ̆-sók; guāng-sók.

Coffin, guăng-chài: – house, dĭng-chió.

Cogwheel, kī-lùng.

Cohere, nĭ-găk; sŏng-siăh.

Coiffure, guói̤.

Coil,a – of rope, siŏh-kūng só̤h: to –, kùng.

Coin, N. cièng; ngṳ̀ng-cièng: dollars, huăng-cièng: V. ció: counterfeit coinage, sṳ̆-ció.

Coincide, sŏng-hăk; sŏng-dó̤i.

Coir, cĕ̤ng: – palm, cĕ̤ng-chéu: – rain garments, cĕ̤ng-săi: – mats, cĕ̤ng-cáing.

Coition, giàng-bùng: – of animals, páh.

Cold, (of weather or person,) chéng: (of things,) dáe̤ng; lēng: chilled, gàng: a –, hŭng-hàng: to take –, siŏng-hŭng; iāng-hŭng; sêu-hŭng: to take a fresh –, tṳ̀ng-gāng: indifferent, mò̤-cìng.

Colic, să: to have the –, diŏh-să: a griping –, gūng-dô-să; gieū-dòng giēu-dô tiáng; giēu-dòng-să.

Collapse, V. faint, sék-kó̤: – as a wall, bŭng.

Collar, liāng; dâu-liāng: one –, siŏh-dèu liāng: – bone, sō̤-siè-gáuk: V. to seize one, nīu.