Page:An English-Chinese dictionary of the Foochow dialect.pdf/76

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Cuckold, ŭ-guĭ.

Cuckoo, dô-giŏng.

Cucumber, chái-guă.

Cud, to chew the –, huāng-mô̤; dó̤-mô̤.

Cudgel, N. góng: V. háuk; mó̤.

Cue, īng-siáng: pigtail, tàu-huók-biêng; bièng-biêng: to braid the –, biêng tàu-huók: to dress the –, sĕ̤ bièng-biêng.

Cuff, V. ciōng; sáe̤k.

Cuffs, ciū-uōng-mūi̤; chiū-kēu; chiū-uōng-tó̤; uōng-séu.

Culpable, dè̤ṳng-cáik; găi-má.

Culprit, có̤ dâng-dâi gì nè̤ng: criminal, chìu-huâng.

Cultivate, –, as flowers or vegetables, căi: –fields, có̤ chèng; gĕng cé̤ṳng: – the heart, iōng-sĭng.

Cultivated, – land, chèng-dê.

Culture, hŏk-ông; gĕng-cé̤ṳng.

Cumber, cū-cī.

Cumbersome, kău-ké; tói-mông.

Cumshaw, N. siōng: V. sáe̤ng.

Cunning, gū-guái; gāu-guái; găng-kiēu: low –, áuk-cháuk-gié; áuk-cháuk-ó̤h.

Cup, bŭi̤; ĕu: tea –, dà-bŭi̤; dà-ĕu: covered –s to make tea in, chṳ̆ng-ĕu: wine –, cīu-cāng: small –s used for oil lamps, lìu-guŏng: one –, būi̤ siŏh ciáh: one cupful, siŏh-bŭi̤: one – full, siŏh-bŭi̤ diêng.

Cupboard, hăng-dìu.

Cupidity, tăng-sĭng.

Curable, â̤-muók-dék.

Curb, N. lĕk: V. restrain, guāng-sók.

Curd, bean –, dâu-hô.

Curdle, ngĭk; giék-uòng.

Cure,V. muŏk; ĭ; ĭ-dê; dièu-dê: – of a habit, gáik: to pickle, siêng.