Page:An Epistle from Mr Pope to Dr Arbuthnot - Pope (1735).djvu/23

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( 17 )

Laugh'd at the loss of Friends he never had, 330
The dull, the proud, the wicked, and the mad;
The Tales of Vengeance; Lyes so oft o'erthrown[1]
The imputed Trash,[2] the Dulness not his own;
Th' Morals blacken'd when the Writings scape;
The libel'd Person, and the pictur'd Shape; 335
Th' Abuse on all he lov'd, or lov'd him, spread,[3]
A Friend in Exile, or a Father, dead;
The Whisper that to Greatness still too near,
Perhaps, yet vibrates on his Sovereign's Ear—
Welcome for thee, fair Virtue! all the past: 340
For thee, fair Virtue! welcome ev'n the last!

"But why insult the Poor, affront the Great?"
A Knave's a Knave, to me, in ev'ry State,
Alike my scorn, if he succeed or fail,
Glencus at Court, or Japhet in a Jail, 345
A hireling Scribler, or a hireling Peer,
Knight of the Post corrupt, or of the Shire,
If on a Pillory, or near a Throne,
He gain his Prince's Ear, or lose his own.

  1. Lies so oft o'erthrown.] Such as those in relation to Mr. A—, that Mr. P. writ his Character after his death, &c. that he set his Name to Mr. Broom's Verses, that he receiv'd Subscriptions for Shakespear, &c. which tho' publickly disprov'd by the Testimonies prefix'd to the Dunciad, were nevertheless shamelesly repeated in the Libels, and even in the Paper called, The Nobleman's Epistle.
  2. Th' imputed Trash] Profane Psalms, Court Poems, and many Libellous Things in his Name, printed by Curl, &c.
  3. Abuse on all he lov'd, or lov'd him spread.] Namely on the Duke of Buckingham, Earl of Burlington, Bishop Atterbury, Dr. Swift, Mr. Gay, Dr. Arbuthnot, his Friends, his Parents, and his very Nurse, aspers'd in printed Papers.
