Page:An Epistle to Posterity.djvu/19

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The Visit of the Prince of Wales — The Ball at the Academy of Music — The First Days of the War — The Sanitary Commission — The Metropolitan Fair — Washington in 1863 — General McClellan and the French Princes — A Ball at the White House and Picnics in Camp Page 85
Some Memories of Distinguished People — The New England Literati — Mrs. Sigourney and Miss Sedgwick — Dr. Bellows and the Transcendentalists — Mr. Bryant's Dinners — Recollections of Booth — The Iago Dress — Chief-Justice Chase — Sherman and Grant — Adelaide Ristori 96
A Glimpse at Literary Boston — Prescott, Emerson, and Agassiz — Darley's Picture of Washington Irving and His Friends — The Knickerbocker Magazine — Mrs. Botta's Salon — Reminiscences of Bancroft and Bryant — A Birthday at the Century Club — Longfellow 117
My First Visit to England — Chester Cathedral — Sunshine in London — Westminster Abbey and the British Museum — English Art — At the English Dinner table — Our American Hospitality an Inherited Virtue — Oxford, Kenilworth, and Stratford-on-Avon — The English Attitude towards America 133
The Social Side of London — Sir William Stirling-Maxwell and Sir John Bowring — Mr. Motley and General Adam Badeau — A Visit to Hampton Court — Racial Characteristics and Differentiation — The Lord Byron Scandal Again — A Page of Unwritten History — Across the Channel to Paris 147
A Little Journey in the Land of William Tell — Basle and Lucerne — On the Way to Interlaken — The Jungfrau and the Giesbach —