Page:An Epistle to the Right Honourable Richard, Lord Viscount Cobham - Pope (1733).djvu/14

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( 6 )

Court-Virtues bear, like Gems, the highest rate,
Born where Heav'ns influence scarce can penetrate.
In Life's low vale, (the soil the Virtues like)
They please as Beauties, here as Wonders strike.
Tho' the same Sun with all-diffusive rays
Blush in the Rose, and in the Diamond blaze,
We prize the stronger effort of his pow'r,
And always set the Gem above the Flow'r.
'Tis Education forms the vulgar mind;
Just as the Twig is bent, the Tree's inclin'd.
Boastful and rough, your first Son is a Squire;
The next, a Trades-man, meek, and much a Liar;
Tom struts a Soldier, open, bold and brave;
Will sneaks a Scriv'ner, an exceeding Knave:
Is he a Churchman? then he's fond of Pow'r;
A Quaker? fly; a Presbyterian? sour;
A smart Free-thinker? all things in an hour.
True, some are open and to all men known;
Others so very close, they're hid from none;
(So Darkness fills the eye no less than Light)
Thus gracious Chandos is belov'd at sight:
