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Page:An Essay Concerning Parliaments.djvu/46

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Realm, as well Biſhops as Magiſtrates, and the Freemen, cannot denominate a Wittenagemote, I know not where the King will find his Wites, or Wiſe-men. I have ſpoke to that Point already. I have likewiſe ſpoken to the Point of the Folkmotes making of Laws. We find indeed the Saxon Kings in the Preface of their Laws which were made in Extraordinary Parliaments, Decreeing with their Wites, (mid minam Witenan) ſome at Greatanlage, and at Midwinter afterwards at Eaxceſter, as King Athelſtan, ſome at Lundenbyrig at the Holy Eaſterly Tide, as King Edmund; others at Wodeſtock in Mercialand, and others at Wicheſter. Whereby it appears that the Kings of England had a Power to Summon Parliaments when and where their Weighty Affairs required them, in all Places of the Realm, and at all Seaſons of the Year. This is an undoubted Prerogative lodged in the King for the ſake of the Ardua Contingentia; and no Man would Govern a Kingdom that could not Command the Advice and Aſſiſtance of his Subjects to be forthcoming, when the Occaſions of the Kingdom required it. And for the ſake of theſe Ardua Negotia, the Knights, Citizens, and Burgeſſes are to be Impowered to Act in Parliament-Buſineſs by thoſe that ſent them; leſt for want of that full and ſufficient Power, or by means of an Improvident
