Page:An Essay on Virgil's Æneid.djvu/15

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VIRGIL’s Æneid.

Oh! ’twas a glorious Fate to die in Fight,
To die, so bravely, in their Parents’ sight!
Oh! had I there, beneath Tydides' Hand,130
That bravest Hero of the Grecian Band,
Pour’d out this Soul, with martial Glory fir’d,
And in that Field triumphantly expir’d!
Where Hector fell, by fierce Achilles' Spear,
And great Sarpedon, the renown’d in War;135
Where Simois' Streams, incumber’d with the Slain,
Roll’d Sheilds, and Helms, and Heroes to the Main.

Thus while he mourns, the Northern Blast prevails,
Breaks all his Oars, and rends his flying Sails;
The Prow turns round; the Galley leaves her Side140
Bare to the working Waves, and roaring Tide;
While in huge Heaps the gathering Surges spread,
And hang in wat’ry Mountains o’er his Head.
These, ride on Waves sublime; those, see the Ground
Low in the boiling Deeps, and dark Profound.145

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