Page:An Essay on Virgil's Æneid.djvu/24

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The First Book of

Stretch’d on the Grass, their Bodies they recline,290
Enjoy the rich Repast, and quaff the gen’rous Wine.

The Rage of Hunger quell’d, they past away
In long and melancholy Talk the Day;
Nor knew, by Fears and Hopes alternate led,
Whether to deem their Friends distrest, or dead.295
Apart the pious Chief, who suffer’d most,
Bemoans brave Gyas and Cloanthus lost:
For Lycus’ Fate, for Amycus he weeps,
And great Orontes, whelm’d beneath the Deeps.

Now, from high Heav’n, Imperial Jove surveys300
The Nations, Shores, and navigable Seas;
There, as he sate, inthron’d above the Skies,
Full on the Lybian Realms he fix’d his Eyes.
When, lo! the mournful Queen of Love appears;
Her starry Eyes were dim’d with streaming Tears;305
Who to the Sire her humble Suit addrest,
The Schemes of Fate revolving in his Breast.
