Page:An Essay on Virgil's Æneid.djvu/29

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VIRGIL’s Æneid.

Then Caesar, call’d by great Iulus’ Name,
(Whose Empire Ocean bounds, the Stars his Fame)
Sprung from the noble Trojan Line, shall rise
Charg’d with his Eastern Spoils, and mount the Skies. 385
Him, shall you see, advanc’d to these Abodes;
Ador’d by Rome; a God among the Gods.
From that blest Hour, all Violence shall cease,
The Age grow mild, and soften into Peace.
With righteous Remus shall Quirinus reign, 390
Old Faith, and Vesta, shall return again;
With solid Hinges shall old Janus bar,
And close with Bolts, the horrid Gates of War.
Within the Fane dire Fury shall be found,
With a huge Heap of shatter’d Arms around; 395
Wrapt in an hundred Chains, beneath the Load
The Fiend shall roar, and grind his Teeth in Blood.

The Thund’rer said; and down the aereal Way
Sent with his high Commands the Son of May;
