Since the Printing of this Eſſay, I have been inform’d by very good Hands, that a young Lady of the firſt Quality, equally famous for her Beauty, her Spirit, and her Virtue, did lately to the Glory of her own Sex, and the Shame of ours, give very ſtrict Order, that the Julius Cæſar of Shakeſpear, which was acted at her Requeſt, ſhould be done without any Performance either of Singing or Dancing. Which Order has ſhewn that ſhe is as much diſtinguiſh’d by the Beauty of her Mind, as by that of her Perſon; and as every Grace has been always a conſtant Attendant on her, ’tis become the Duty of every Muſe to wait on her, and to return her Thanks for making way by her illuſtrious Example, for the delivering Engliſh Poetry from the Oppreſſion of Foreign Luxury, as every Engliſhman is bound to extol the Heroe from whom ſhe sprung, for leſſening in Engliſh Hearts the Apprehenſion of Foreign Tyranny. I make no doubt but that her attractive Example will have much more Influence upon the World than theſe few Speculations, and raiſe a noble Emulation in her Sex, and a juſt Confuſion in ours. May ſhe be follow’d by every fair one, as Venus is by the Graces, but after they have all in imitation of her, combin’d to baniſh foreign Foppery from off the Engliſh Stage, may the Glory of the Triumph be peculiarly hers, who firſt ſo happily ſhew’d the way to conquer it, as her illuſtrious Father will juſtly ſhare in the Honour of every Confederate General, becauſe all Victories that are to come will be influenc’d by that Immortal one, which ſhew’d us firſt that the French are not Invincible.