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Page:An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language.djvu/22

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ModE. = Modern English.

ModFr. = Modern French.

ModGr. = Modern Greek.

ModHG. = Modern High German

ModIc. = Modern Icelandic.

ModLG. = Modern Low German.

ModTeut. = Modern Teutonic.

Mongol. = Mongolian.

n. = neuter.

naut. = nautical.

nom. = nominative.

Norw. = Norwegian.

num. = numeral.

OAryan = Old Aryan.

OBulg. = Old Bulgarian.

ODu.= Old Dutch.

OFr.= Old French.

OFris. = Old Frisian.

OHG. = Old High German.

OIc. = Old Icelandic.

OInd. = Old Indian.

OIr. = Old Irish.

OKelt.= Old Keltic.

OLat. = Old Latin.

OLG. = Old Low German.

onomat. = onomatopoetic.

OPers. = Old Persian.

OPruss. = Old Prussian.

ord. = ordinal.

orig. = original(ly).

OSax. = Old Saxon.

OSlav. = Old Slavonic.

OSlov.= Old Slovenian.

OTeut. = Old Teutonic.

partic. = participle.

perf. = perfect.

Pers. = Persian.

Phœn. = Phœnician.

Pied. = Piedmontese.

plur. = plural.

Pol. = Polish.

Port. = Portuguese.

poss. = possessive.

Prak. = Prakrit.

pref. = prefix.

prep. = preposition.

pres. = present.

pret. = preterite.

prim. = primary.

primit. = primitive(ly).

pron. = pronoun.

pronom. = pronominal.

prop. = properly.

Proven. = Provençal.

Pruss. = Prussian.

redup. = reduplicated.

refl. = reflexive.

Rom. = Romance.

Russ. = Russian.

s. = singular.

Sans. = Sanscrit.

Sax. = Saxon.

Scand. = Scandinavian.

Scyth. = Scythian.

Sem. = Semitic.

Serv. = Servian.

Slav. = Slavonic.

Slov. = Slovenian

Span. = Spanish.

str. = strong.

subst. = substantive.

Suff. = suffix.

super. = superlative.

Swab. = Swabian.

Swed. = Swedish.

Teut. = Teutonic.

Thrac. = Thracian.

trans. = transitive.

Umb. = Umbrian.

UpG. = Upper German.

vb. = verb.

voc.= vocative.

W.= Welsh.

West Sax. = West Saxon.

West Teut. = West Teutonic.

wk. = weak.

An asterisk (*) signifies that the form adduced is only theoretical.