Page:An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland Part I.pdf/103

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and siggalin suggests such a word. It may be *søyglingr or soglingr (from No. suga, vb., to suck, søygja, vb., to give suck, sogbarn, suckling), formed in Shetl. with the ending “ling” in accordance with Eng. suckling, sb.

As the words in the first line have been disturbed by addition of “vallilu”, and as it is doubtful whether [ega] is in its proper place before suro, it would probably be vain to attempt an interpretation of this word, which has various meanings.

The second line is easier to interpret, and was prob. originally: *leikar þú svá frór (frár) um morguninn geiplandi, are you playing so blithe and gay in the morning, waving your arms about? (or possibly: making vigorous mouthing efforts to take the nipple).

The k-sound in leka (and also the foll. frūa) favour the probability of a derivation from leika, vb., to play, rather than from liggja, vb., to lie. frū(a) may be *frór, O.N. frár and frór, adj., hale; vigorous; lively, or a later imported *frór = Fær. fróur, Da. fro (Germ. froh), adj., gay. a mōrnin: Scoto-English form (“in the morning”).

gibbelin doubtless for *giblin, from a *gibl, vb., which is No. geipla, vb., to make wild gestures with the arms, esp. having an implement in the hand (= geipa, R.), etc. “geipla” can also mean: to make great lip-movements, but this meaning does not suit the rhyme so well, if leka is the verb leika, to play, because the child is fairly quiet when sucking. In view of the double meaning of the No.: geipla, the following interpretation is conceivable: Are you lying so joyously in the morning, mouthing for the nipple? But as leka agrees better phonetically with “leika” than with “liggja”, the former interpretation is more probable.


The Troll’s Message.

A fairy-verse connected with an old legend about a man riding past a mound, who hears some words shouted to him from the interior:

Foula versions.

A.sēana dɩvla døəna vɩvlaHørədu hørədu ri̇̄a
ri̇̄a ri̇̄a ræn(na)
sina dɩvla døna vɩvla
kɔpəra jadla
hɔᶇdəna bradna.

Variant form:

B.sēana dɩvla døəna vɩvla
kɔpərə kētəl
hɔᶇdə bredən.