Page:An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland Part I.pdf/93

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benlin, sb., definite area at sea, fishing-ground.

domra2, sb., fog; dimness of the atmosphere.

Further: drølin, gjola, horek, kani, kappi1, (kappisten), katthus, piltek, vell, veltrin, welsi, vild, sbs.

Words in Shetlandic with meanings opp. or partly opp. to those found in Norw. or other Northern languages:

bjart, adj.: prop. bright, shining, in Shetl. now dark; storm-menacing.

*brimeld, acc. to Edm.: old female seal (see under brimer, sb.).

bu-grice: Norw. and Sw. boggris.

evalos, adj., doubtful.

hesta-foal: filly? see Edm.

With changed meaning:

bund (bond) and bundsman, sb., from O.N. bóndi. To this, bunderi, sb.

Verbs preserved only in the past participle, partly used adjectivally:

boren grund: *barinn, from berja, v., to beat. (cf. *bortend in *brimbortend: *brimbarðr).

*faren and misforen.

Adjectives in the neuter used as substantives:

illskod, sb., new, green corn growing among the ripe, in the field: *ilskótt (corn), from ilska1, sb., O.N. ilska, f., malice; enmity, etc.

ilta, sb., rancour; enmity, from “illt”, neut., from O.N. illr, adj., bad; evil; hostile.

Sometimes old prefixes, esp. diminutives, have become separated from words (adjectives) to which they belonged. They have then become substantives. Thus: e.g. urek, a small creature or thing, formed from the prefix “ur” (= or, ir), is used as a diminutive in No. and esp. as a prefix to “liten”.

In Ork. the same prefix has also developed independently, but as an adjective in the form orri, in sense of very small.

Compounds in which one or more parts have become obscure:

biggerablanda (buggera-, buggerum-), huliferdal [hulefer (haser)], husamilla, skattamillaskru, uppomøra, uppomjora.

Metathesis of parts in compounded words:

bukkiblindi for blindibukki (blind-man’s-buff), ferdaluri for luraferdi.

Stoven swala (Kwarf?), name of a farm. *Swalastofa (a room with a balcony).