birth to a monster as a punishment for the unlawful and abominable fornication of which she was guilty in order to satisfy her wanton and unbridled appetite.
We have now but to explain the passage in Genesis where it says that “The sons of God lay with the daughters of men.” But why should we pause over this, seeing how many learned men have interpreted it? There is no doubt that the sons of God are those who find favour with the living God; for in another place they are even called Gods by the Royal Prophet, just as certain names which are given to God may be applied to men.
Finally, since carnal desire is necessary only to those who need to supply a successor to continue their kind, and since Angels and demons are not subject to death, it follows that spirits are immune from the flames of love, and that they are without those members in which sensual desire is generated, namely, the lower parts of mankind.
Chapter XIV.
Of the Transvection of Witches to the Sabbat.
Vair, de Incant. II. 13.There are those who flatly denied the possibility of such a thing; and the Council of Aquileia even decreed that it