de son nom, ensemble quelques mémoires des terres et ville de Saint Oyan de Joux, des abbés d’icelles … plus a esté adjousté le miracle faict au regard de deux hosties consacrées au lieu de Favernay … le 25 may, 1608.” It will not escape notice that in Chapter V of his Examen Boguet fervently apostrophizes the glorious Saint Claude in a strain of glowing devotion, and declares his intention of writing an entire volume which shall celebrate the virtues, triumphs and honour of the Saint, and record the miracles daily wrought at his hallowed tomb. In an excess of criminal madness at the end of the eighteenth century the atrocious revolutionaries dared to profane the ancient shrine, and in March 1794 the body of Saint Claude, which had been venerated for so many hundreds of years by kings and prelates, by humble priest and simple artisan, by nobles and peasants, by pilgrims of every rank, high and low, and from every country, near and far, was
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