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Editor’s Preface

wrote of Our Lord as “Magnanimus Hero,” and of Our Lady

quem candida partu
Caelicolum regi tecto sub paupere Nympha,
Non ullam Uenerem, nullos experta hymenaeos,
Ediderat …

Jerome Vida, the pious Bishop of Cremona, in his Christiad when speaking of the Transfiguration nearly echoes the Æneid: Uerus et aspectu patuit Deus.

After the Last Supper Holy Mass is thus described:

Hunc semper ritum memores, arisque sacramus
Sinceram cererem, et dulcem de uite liquorem,
Pro ueterum tauris, pecudum pro pinguibus extis.
Ipse, sacerdotum uerbis eductus ab astris,
Frugibus insinuat sese regnator Olympi.