The Manner of
Procedure of a Judge in
a Case of Witchcraft
By Henry Boguet of Dôle, Chief
Judge in the District of Saint Oyan
de Joux
To Monsieur Daniel Romanet,
Advocate to the See of Salins
Article I.
Pap. arrest. lib. 22. tit. 3. art. 1. 2.
Cf. Imbert. lib. Instit. Forens. 3. c. 6.
Clar. § hæresis nu. 25.
Bodin, Demonom. IV. 4.The Judge in this country can by himself conduct the trial of witches when there is definite evidence of the fact: this was decreed by the Court on the 28th September, 1598. This is also the practice to-day in France.
Article II.