ways of harming men, beasts, and the fruits of the earth, with the help of the Devil.
For the most part the witch has only the intent to harm, whilst Satan actually performs that which he would have done. We have many proofs of this, as when a witch touches someone with his hand or a wand, or melts a waxen image, or utters certain words, with the intent to cause the death or sickness of such a person. For neither the touch, nor the waxen image, nor the words are effective in anything save as a symbol of the pact formed by the witch with Satan; and it is Satan who, in this case, in some secret manner causes the death or sickness. It may be that he could not do this but for the wicked intent and wish of the witch; just as the body can do nothing without the soul, and the soul of itself can do nothing regarding the actions which belong to the body. And herein the witch is as guilty as if he had himself committed the deed, in ac-