Whether the copulation of Satan with a witch can bring to birth a living beingXIII
Of the transvection of witches to the SabbatXIV
How and in what fashion witches are conveyed to the SabbatXV
Witches sometimes go on foot to the SabbatXVI
Whether witches go in spirit to the SabbatXVII
The Sabbat is generally held at nightXVIII
Of the day of the SabbatXIX
Of the place of the SabbatXX
Of what happens at the Sabbat, and of the burning of candles, the kiss, the dances, the copulation of the Devil with witches, the feasts, the accounts rendered by them to him, the beating of water to produce hail, the Mass which is said by them, and how Satan consumes himself in flames and burns to ashesXXI
Whether witches can produce hailXXII
Of the powder used by witchesXXIII
Of the unguents and ointments used by witchesXXIV
Whether witches kill by their blowings and their breathsXXV
Whether witches afflict with wordsXXVI
Whether witches afflict with lookingXXVII
How witches afflict with the handXXVIII
How witches afflict with a wandXXIX
Of the images used by witchesXXX