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of Witches

with the permission of God; I Cor. 5
1 Tim. 1.
for we read that St. Paul sent Satan into the body of the Corinthian fornicator, and into Hymenæus and Alexander the heretics. And David says in Psalm 78 that God “cast upon them the fierceness of His anger, wrath and indignation and trouble, by sending evil angels among them;” a passage which Jean Benedicti, the Franciscan Theologian, quotes in his account of Perrenette Pinay in proof of my contention. I. 16. 7
IV. 50. 12.
IV. 58. 8 & 9
Thyræus is also of this opinion in his treatise on Demoniacs.

There is no lack of examples. Simon Magus frequently caused those to be possessed who called him Sorcerer: Theodoret tells of a young girl who was possessed by means of the spells and enchantments of a sorcerer, Sect. 13. in Macedonia.though he adds that the Devil betrayed the sorcerer and revealed the whole secret of the matter; Jacques Bocquet wished upon Rollande du Vernois two devils, of whom one was named Cat and the other Devil; and in this case Jacques confirmed the statement which had previously been made by Rollande. This woman was put in prison in the year 1598 under a charge of witchcraft, and after a long imprisonment was in the end burned. Later we shall speak of her fully, as her case deserves. Cf. Benedict.Perrenette Pinay was found to be possessed by six devils, after having eaten at the instigation of a witch an apple and a piece of beef: another witch sent three devils into the body of Catherine Pontet in the year 1554. Cf. Girard Grudius.The Jews of Rome caused eighty girls and women to be possessed by the Devil; Bodin, Demonom. III. 6.
Marg. 1.
and in the year 1552 the nuns of the Convent of Kendiorp were also tormented in this manner by means of their cook: Caron in his “Antichrist Unmasked” nar-