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them was the Son of God, the Angel of the covenant, whom Abraham distinguished from the rest, v. 3, and who is called Jehovah, v. 13. The apostle improves this, for the encouragement of hospitality, Heb. 13. 2. Those that have been forward to entertain strangers, have entertained angels, to their unspeakable honour and satisfaction. Where, upon a prudent and impartial judgment, we see no cause to suspect ill, charity teaches us to hope well, and to show kindness accordingly; it is better to feed five drones, or wasps, than to starve one bee.

II. How Abraham entertained those strangers, and how kindly his entertainment was accepted. The Holy Ghost takes particular notice of the very free and affectionate welcome which Abraham gave to the strangers. 1. He was complaisant and respectful to them; forgetting his age, he ran to meet them in the most obliging manner, and bowed himself toward the ground, though as yet he knew nothing of them, but that they appeared graceful respectable men. Note, Religion does not destroy, but improves good manners, and teaches us to honour all men. Decent civility is a great ornament to piety. 2. He was very earnest and importunate for their stay, and took it as a great favour, v. 3, 4. Note, (1.) It becomes those whom God has blessed with plenty, to be liberal and open hearted in their entertainments, according to their ability, and (not to compliment, but cordially) to bid their friends welcome: we should take a pleasure in showing kindness to any; for both God and man love a cheerful giver. Who would eat the bread of him that has an evil eye? Prov. 23. 6, 7.   (2.) Those that would have communion with God, must earnestly desire it, and pray for it. God is a Guest worth entreating. 3. His entertainment, though it was very free, yet was plain and homely, and there was nothing in it of the gaiety and niceness of these times. His dining-room was an harbour under a tree; no rich table-linen, no side-board set with plate; his feast was a joint or two of veal, and some cakes baked on the hearth, and both hastily dressed up; here were no dainties, no varieties, no forced-meats, no sweet-meats, but good plain wholesome food, though Abraham was very rich, and his guests very honourable. Note, We ought not to be curious in our diet: let us be thankful for food convenient, though it be homely and common; and not be desirous of dainties, for they are deceitful meat to those that love them and set their hearts upon them. 4. He and his wife were both of them very attentive, and busy, in accommodating their guests with the best they had, Sarah herself is cook and baker; Abraham runs to fetch the calf, brings out the milk and butter, and thinks it not below him to wait at table, that he might show how heartily welcome his guests were. Note, (1.) Those that have real merit, need not take state upon them. (2.) Hearty friendship will stoop to anything but sin, Christ himself has taught us to wash one another's feet, in humble love. They that thus abase themselves, shall be exalted. Here Abraham's faith showed itself in good works; and so must our's, else it is dead, Jam. 2. 21, 26. The father of the faithful was famous for charity, and generosity, and good house-keeping; and we must learn of him to do good, and communicate. Job did not eat his morsel alone, Job 31. 17.

9. And they said unto him, Where, is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent. 10. And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard itin the tent-door, which was behind him. 11. Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well-stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. 12. Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, after I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also? 13. And the Lord said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old? 14 Is any thing too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed, I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son. 15. Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh.

These heavenly guests, (being sent to confirm the promise lately made to Abraham, that he should have a son by Sarah,) while they are receiving Abraham's kind entertainment, thus return his kindness: he receives angels, and has angels' reward; a gracious message from Heaven, Matt. 10. 41.

I. Care is taken that Sarah should be within hearing. She must conceive by faith, and therefore the promise must be made to her, Heb. 11. 11. It was the modest usage of that time, that the women did not sit at meat with men, at least, not with strangers, but confined themselves to their own apartments; therefore Sarah is here out of sight; but she must not be out of hearing. The angels inquire, v. 9, Where is Sarah thy wife? By naming her, they gave intimation enough to Abraham that though they seemed strangers, yet they very well knew him and his family; by inquiring after her, they showed a friendly kind concern for the family and relations of one whom they found respectful to them. It is a piece of common civility, which ought to proceed from a principle of christian love, and then it is sanctified. And by speaking of her, (she over-hearing it,) they drew her to listen to what was further to be said. Where is Sarah thy wife? say the angels; Behold, in the tent, said Abraham. Where should she be else ? There she is in her place, as she used to be, and is now within call. Note, 1. The daughters of Sarah must learn of her, to be chaste keepers at home, Titus 2. 5. There is nothing got by gadding. 2. Those are most likely to receive comfort from God and his promises, that are in their place, and in the way of their duty, Luke 2. 8.

II. The promise is then renewed and ratified, that she should have a son, v. 10, "I will certainly return unto thee, and visit thee next time, with the performance, as now I do, with the promise." God will return to those that bid him welcome, that entertain his visits: "I will return thy kindness, Sarah thy wife shall have a son;" it is repeated again, v. 14. Thus the promises of the Messiah were often repeated in the Old Testament, for the strengthening of the faith of God's people. We are slow of heart to believe, and therefore have need of line upon line to the same purport. This is that word of promise which the apostle quotes, Rom. 9. 9, as that, by the virtue of which Isaac was born. Note, 1. The same blessings which others have from common providence, believers have from the promise, which makes them very sweet, and very sure. 2. The spiritual seed of Abraham owe their life, and joy, and hope, and all, to the promise. They are born by the word of God, 1 Pet. 1. 23.

III. Sarah thinks this too good news to be true, and therefore cannot as yet find in her heart to believe it, v. 12, Sarah laughed within herself. It was not a pleasing laughter of faith, like Abraham's, ch. 17. 17, but it was a laughter of doubting and