way, the Lord led me to the house of my master's brethren. 28. And the damsel ran, and told them of her mother's house these things.
Abraham's servant now begins to make a figure in this story; and though he is not named, yet much is here recorded, to his honour, and for an example to all servants, who shall be honoured, if, by faithfully serving God and their masters, they adorn the doctrine of Christ. Compare Prov. 27. 18, with Titus 2. 10, for there is no respect of persons with God, Col. 3. 24, 25. A good servant that makes conscience of the duty of his place, and does it in the fear of God, though he make not a figure in the world, nor have praise of men, yet shall be owned and accepted of God, and have praise of him. Observe here,
I. How faithful Abraham's servant approved himself to his master. Having received his charge, with all expedition he took his journey, putting himself into an equipage fit for his negotiation, v. 10, and he had all the goods of his master, that is, a schedule or particular account of them, in his hand, to show to those with whom he was to treat; for, from first to last, he consulted his master's honour. Isaac being a type of Christ, some make this fetching of a wife for him to signify the espousing of the church, by the agency of his servants the ministers. The church is the bride, the Lamb's wife, Rev. 21. 9. Christ is the bridegroom, and ministers the friends of the Bridegroom, (John 3. 29.) whose work it is to persuade souls to consent to him, 2 Cor. 11. 2. The spouse of Christ must not be of the Canaanites, but of his own kindred, born again from above. Ministers, like Abraham's servant, must lay out themselves with the utmost wisdom and care to serve their master's interest herein.
II. How devoutly he acknowledged God in this affair, like one of that happy household which Abraham had commanded to keep the way of the Lord, &c. ch. 18. 19. He arrived early in the evening (after many days' journeying) at the place he designed for, and reposed himself by a well of water, to consider how he might manage his business for the best. And,
1. He acknowledged God by a particular prayer, v. 12..14, wherein, (1.) He petitions for prosperity and good success in this affair; Send me good speed, this day. Note, We have leave to be particular in recommending our affairs to the conduct and care of the Divine Providence. Those that would have good speed, must pray for it, this day, in this affair; thus we must in all our ways, acknowledge God, Prov. 3. 6. And if we thus look up to God in every undertaking which we are in care about, we shall have this comfort of having done our duty, whatever the issue be. (2.) He pleads God's covenant with his master Abraham; O God of my master Abraham, show kindness to him. Note, As the children of good parents, so the servants of good masters, have peculiar encouragement in the prayers they offer to God for prosperity and success. (3.) He proposes a sign, v. 14, not by it to limit God, or with a design to proceed no further, if he were not gratified in it; but it is a prayer, [1.] That God would provide a good wife for his young master; and that was a good prayer. He knew that a prudent wife is from the Lord, (Prov. 19. 14.) and therefore that for this he will be inquired of. He desires that his master's wife might be a humble and industrious woman, bred up to care and labour, and willing to put her hand to any work that was to be done; and that she might be of a courteous disposition, and charitable to strangers. When he came to seek a wife for his master, he did not go to the playhouse or the park, and pray that he might meet one there, but to the well of water, expecting to find one there well-employed. [2.] That he would please to make his way, in this matter, plain and clear before him, by the concurrence of minute circumstances in his favour. Note, First, It is the comfort, as well as the belief, of a good man, that God's providence extends itself to the smallest occurrences, and admirably serves its own purposes by them. Our times are in God's hand; not only events themselves, but the times of them. Secondly, It is our wisdom, in all our affairs, to follow Providence; and folly to force it. Thirdly, It is very desirable, and that which we may lawfully pray for, while in the general we set God's will before us as our rule, that he will, by hints of providence, direct us in the way of our duty, and give us indications what his mind is. Thus he guides his people with his eye, (Ps. 32. 8.) and leads them in a plain path, Ps. 27. 11.
2. God owned him by a particular providence. He decreed the thing, and it was established to him, Job 22. 28. According to his faith, so was it unto him. The answer to this prayer, was, (1.) Speedy, before he had made an end of speaking, v. 15, as it is written, (Isa. 65. 24.) While they are yet speaking, I will hear. Though we are backward to pray, God is forward to hear prayer. (2.) Satisfactory: the first that came to draw water, was, and did, in every thing, according to his own heart. [1.] She was so well qualified, that in all respects she answered the characters he wished for in the woman that was to be his master's wife, handsome and healthful, humble and industrious, very courteous and obliging to a stranger, and having all the marks of a good disposition: when she came to the well, (v. 16.) she went down, and filled her pitcher, and came up to go home with it; she did not stand to gaze upon the strange man and his camels, but minded her business, and would not have been diverted from it but by an opportunity of doing good; she did not curiously or confidently enter into discourse with him, but modestly answered him with all the decorum that became her sex. What a degenerate age do we live in, in which appear all the instances of pride, luxury, and laziness, the reverse of Rebekah's character, whose daughters few are. Those instances of goodness which were then in honour, are now in contempt. [2.] Providence so ordered it, that she did that which exactly answered to his sign, and was wonderfully the counterpart of his proposal; she not only gave him drink, but, which was more than could have been expected, she offered her service to give his camels drink, which was the very sign he proposed.
Note, First, God, in his providence, does sometimes wonderfully own the prayer of faith, and gratify the innocent desires of his praying people, even in little things; that he may show the extent of his care, and may encourage them at all times to seek to him, and trust in him; yet we must take heed of being over bold in prescribing to God, lest the event should weaken our faith rather than strengthen it. Secondly, It is good to take all opportunities of showing a humble, courteous, charitable disposition, because, some time or other, it may turn more to our honour and benefit than we think of; some hereby have entertained angels, and Rebekah hereby, quite beyond her expectation at this time, was brought into the line of Christ and the covenant. Thirdly, There may be a great deal of obliging kindness in that which costs but little: our Saviour has promised a reward for a cup of cold water, like this here. Matt. 10. 42. Fourthly, The concurrence of providences and their minute circumstances, for the furtherance of our success in any business, ought to be particularly observed, with won-