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be blessed for his sake. Isaac does not insist upon the bargain he had made with them for the lands he held, nor upon his occupying and improving of them, nor does he offer to contest with them by force, though he was become very great; but very peaceably departs thence further from the royal city, and perhaps to a part of the country less fruitful. Note, We should deny ourselves both in our rights and in our conveniences, rather than quarrel: a wise and a good man will rather retire into obscurity, like Isaac here into a valley, than sit high, to be the butt of envy and ill-will.

III. His constancy and continuance in his business still.

1. He kept up his husbandry, and continued industrious to find wells of water, and to fit them for his use, v. 18, &c. Though he was grown very rich, yet he was as solicitous as ever about the state of his flocks, and still looked well to his herds; when men grow great, they must take heed of thinking themselves too big and too high for their business. Though he was driven from the conveniences he had had, and could not follow his husbandry with the same ease and advantage as before, yet he set himself to make the best of the country he was come into, which it is every man's prudence to do. Observe, (1.) He opened the wells that his father had digged, (v. 18.) and, out of respect to his father, called them by the same names that he had given them. Note, In our searches after truth, that fountain of living water, it is good to make use of the discoveries of former ages, which have been clouded by the corruptions of later times. Inquire for the old way, the wells which our fathers digged, which the adversaries of truth have stopped up; Ask thine elders, and they shall teach thee. (2.) His servants digged new wells, v. 19. Note, Though we must use the light of former ages, it does not therefore follow that we must rest in it, and make no advances; we must still be building upon their foundation, running to and fro, that knowledge may be increased, Dan. 12. 4.

In digging his wells, [1.] He met with much opposition, v. 20, 21. Those that open the fountains of truth, must expect contradiction. The two first wells they digged, were called Esek and Sitnah, Contention and Hatred. See here, First, What is the nature of worldly things; they are make-bates, and occasions of strife. Secondly, What is often the lot even of the most quiet and peaceable men in this world; those that avoid striving, yet cannot avoid being striven with, Ps. 120.7. In this sense, Jeremiah was a man of contention, (Jer. 15. 10.) and Christ himself, though he is the Prince of peace. Thirdly, What a mercy it is to have plenty of water, to have it without striving for it! The more common this mercy is, the more reason we have to be thankful for it. [2.] At length he removed to a quiet settlement, cleaving to his peaceable principle, rather to fly than fight, and unwilling to dwell with them that hated peace, Ps. 120. 6. He preferred quietness to victory. He digged a well, and for that they strove not, v. 22. Note, Those that follow peace, sooner or later, shall find peace; those that study to be quiet, seldom fail of being so. How unlike was Isaac to his brother Ishmael, who, right or wrong, would hold what he had, against all the world! ch. 16. 12. And which of these would we be found the followers of? This well they called Rehoboth, Enlargements, room enough: in the two former wells we may see what the earth is, straitness and strife men cannot thrive, for the throng of their neighbours; this well shows us what heaven is; it is enlargement and peace, room enough there, for there are many mansions.

2. He continued firm to his religion, and kept up his communion with God. (1.) God graciously appeared to him, v. 24. When the Philistines expelled him, forced him to remove from place to place, and gave him continual molestation, then God visited him, and gave him fresh assurances of his favour. Note, When men are found false and unkind, we may comfort ourselves that God is faithful and gracious; and his time to show himself so, is when we are most disappointed in our expectations from men. When Isaac was come to Beer-sheba, (v. 23.) it is probable that it troubled him to think of his unsettled condition, and that he could not be suffered to stay long in a place; and, in the multitude of these thoughts within him, that same night that he came weary and uneasy to Beer-sheba, God brought him his comforts to delight his soul. Probably, he was apprehensive that the Philistines would net let him rest there? Fear not, says God to him, I am with thee, and will bless thee. Those may remove with comfort, that are sure of God's presence with them whithersoever they go. (2.) He was not wanting in his returns of duty to God; for there he built an altar, and called upon the name of the Lord, v. 25. Note, [1.] Whithersoever we go, we must take our religion along with us. Probably, Isaac's altars and his religious worship gave offence to the Philistines, and provoked them to be the more troublesome to him: yet he kept up his duty, whatever ill-will he might be exposed to by it. [2.] The comforts and encouragements God gives us by his word, should excite and quicken us to all instances of devotion, by which God may be honoured, and our intercourse with heaven maintained.

26. Then Abimelech went to him from Gerar, and Ahuzzath one of his friends, and Phichol the chief captain of his army. 27. And Isaac said unto them, Wherefore come ye to me, seeing ye hate me, and have sent me away from you? 28. And they said, We saw certainly that the Lord was with thee: and we said, Let there be now an oath betwixt us and thee, and let us make a covenant with thee; 29. That thou wilt do us no hurt, as we have not touched thee, and as we have done unto thee nothing but good, and have sent thee away in peace: thou art now the blessed of the Lord. 30. And he made them a feast, and they did eat and drink. 31. And they rose up betimes in the morning, and sware one to another: and Isaac sent them away, and they departed from him in peace. 32. And it came to pass the same day, that Isaac's servants came, and told him concerning the well which they had digged, and said unto him, We have found water. 33. And he called it Sheba: therefore the name of the city is Beer-sheba unto this day.

We have here the contests that had been between Isaac and the Philistines issuing in a happy peace and reconciliation.

1. Abimelech makes a friendly visit to Isaac, in token of the respect he had for him, v. 26. Note, When a man's ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him, Prov. 16. 7. King's hearts are in his hands, and when he pleases, he can turn them to favour his people.

2. Isaac prudently and cautiously questions his sincerity in this visit, v. 27. Note, In settling