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and all evil. (2.) How basely they reflect upon Jacob's fidelity, as if what he had, he had not gotten honestly; Jacob has taken away all that was our father's. Not all, sure. What has become of those cattle which were committed to the custody of Laban's sons, and sent three days' journey off? ch. 30. 35, 36. They mean all that was committed to him; but speaking invidiously, they express themselves thus generally. Note, [1.] Those that are ever so careful to keep a good conscience, yet cannot always be sure of a good name. [2.] This is one of the vanities and vexations which attend outward prosperity, that it makes a man to be envied of his neighbour; (Eccl. 4. 4.) and who can stand before envy? Prov. 26. 4.   Whom Heaven blesses Hell curses, and all its children on earth.

2. Laban himself said little, but his countenance was not toward Jacob as it used to be; and Jacob could not but take notice of it, v. 2, 5. He was but a churl at the best, but now he was more churlish than formerly. Note, Envy is a sin that often appears in the countenance; hence we read of an evil eye, Prov. 23. 6. Sour looks may do a great deal toward the ruin of peace and love in a family, and the making of those uneasy, whose comfort we ought to be tender of. Laban's angry countenance lost him the greatest blessing his family ever had, and justly.

II. He resolved it by divine direction, and under the convoy of a promise; (v. 3.) The Lord said unto Jacob, Return, and I will be with thee. Though Jacob had met with very hard usage here, yet he would not quit his place, till God bid him. He came thither by orders from Heaven, and there he would stay, till he was ordered back. Note, It is our duty to set ourselves, and it will be our comfort to see ourselves, under God's guidance, both in our going out, and in our coming in. The direction he had from Heaven, is more fully related in the account he gives of it to his wives, (v. 10..13.) where he tells them of a dream he had about his cattle, and the wonderful increase of those of his colour; and how the angel of God, in that dream, (for I suppose the dream spoken of, v. 10. and that v. 11. to be the same), took notice of the workings of his fancy in his sleep, and instructed him, that it was not by chance, nor by his own policy, that he obtained that great advantage; but,

1. By the providence of God, who had taken notice of the hardships that Laban had put upon him, and took this way to right him; For I have seen all that Laban doeth unto thee, and herein I have an eye to that. Note, There is more of equity in the distributions of Divine Providence, than we are aware of, and by them the wronged are righted really, though perhaps insensibly. Nor was it only by the justice of Providence, that Jacob was thus enriched, but,

2. In performance of the promise intimated in what is said, v. 13, I am the God of Beth-el. That was the place where the covenant was renewed with him. Note, Worldly prosperity and success are then doubly sweet and comfortable, when we see them flowing not from common providence, but from covenant-love; to perform the mercy promised; when we have them from God, as the God of Beth-el, from those promises of the life which now is, that belong to godliness. But we observe that Jacob, even when he had this hopeful prospect of growing rich with Laban, must think of returning. When the world begins to smile upon us, we must remember it is not our home. Now arise, (v. 13.) and return, (1.) To thy devotions in Canaan; the solemnities of which had perhaps been much intermitted while he was with Laban. The times of this servitude God had winked at; but now, "Return to the place where thou anointedst the pillar,and vowedst the vow. Now that thou beginnest to grow rich, it is time to think of an altar and sacrifices again." (2.) To thy comforts in Canaan; to the land of thy kindred. He was here among his near kindred; but those only he must look upon as his kindred in the best sense, the kindred he must live and die with, to whom pertained the covenant. Note, The heirs of Canaan must never reckon themselves at home, till they come thither, however they may seem to take root here.

III. He resolved it with the knowledge and consent of his wives. He sent for Rachel and Leah to him to the field; (v. 4.) either that he might discourse with them more privately, or because one would not come to the other's apartment, and he would willingly talk with them together, or, because he had work to do in the field, which he would not leave. Note, Husbands that love their wives, will communicate their purposes and intentions to them. Where there is a mutual affection, there will be a mutual confidence. And the prudence of the wife should engage the heart of her husband safely to trust in her, Prov, 31. 1. He told his wives,

1. How faithfully he had served their father, v. 6. Note, if others do not their duty to us, yet we shall have the comfort of having done our's to them.

2. How unfaithfully their father had dealt with him, v. 7. He would never keep to any bargain that he made with him, but after the first year, still as he saw Providence favour Jacob with the colour agreed on, every half year of the remaining five, he changed it for some other colour, which made it ten times; as if he thought not only to deceive Jacob, but the Divine Providence which manifestly smiled upon him. Note, Those that deal honestly, are not always honestly dealt with.

3. How God had owned him notwithstanding; not only protecting him from Laban's ill-will, (God suffered him not to hurt me. Note, Those that keep close to God, shall be kept safe by him,) but providing plentifully for him, notwithstanding Laban's design to ruin him; (v. 9.) God hath taken away the cattle of your father, and given them to me. Thus the righteous God paid Jacob for his hard service out of Laban's estate; as afterward he paid the seed of Jacob for their serving of the Egyptians with their spoils. Note, (1.) God is not unrighteous to forget his people's work and labour of love, though men be so, Heb. 6. 10. Providence has ways of making those honest in the event, that are not so in their design. (2.) The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just, Prov. 13. 22.

4. He told them of the command God had given him, in a dream to return to his own country, (v. 13.) that they might not suspect his resolution to arise from inconstancy, or any disaffection to their country or family, but might see it to proceed from a principle of obedience to his God, and dependence on him.

Lastly, His wives cheerfully consented to his resolution. They also brought forward their grievances, complaining that their father had been not only unkind, but unjust, to them, (v. 14..16.) that he looked upon them as strangers, and was without natural affection toward them; and that whereas Jacob had looked upon the wealth which God had transferred from Laban to him as his wages, they looked upon it as their portions; and that, both ways, God forced Laban to pay his debts, both to his servant, and to his daughters. So then it seemed, [1.] They were weary of their own people, and their father's house, and they could easily forget them. Note, This good use we should make of the unkind usage we meet with from the world, we should sit the more loose to it, and be willing to leave it, and desirous to be at home. [2.] They were willing to