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through unwariness, drawn in to follow them. Jacob, David, and many others, who were otherwise good men, were afterward insnared in this sin which Lamech had begun.

II. His happiness in his children, notwithstanding this. Though he sinned, in marrying two wives, yet he was blessed with children by both, and those, such as lived to be famous in their generation; not for their piety, no mention is made of that, (for aught that appears, they were the heathen of that age,) but for their ingenuity. They were not only themselves men of business, but men that were serviceable to the world, and eminent for the invention, or, at least, the improvement, of some useful art.

1. Jabal was a famous shepherd; he delighted himself much in keeping cattle, and was so happy in devising methods of doing it to the best advantage, and instructing others in them, that the shepherds of those times, nay, the shepherds of after-times, called him father; or, perhaps, his children after him being brought up to the same employment, the family was a family of shepherds.

2. Jubal was a famous musician, and particularly an organist, and the first that gave rules for that noble art or science of music. When Jabal had set them in a way to be rich, Jubal put them in a way to be merry. Those who spend their days in wealth, will not be without the timbrel and harp, Job 21. 12, 13. From his name, Jubal, probably the jubilee-trumpet was so called; for the best music was that which proclaimed liberty and redemption. Jabal was their Pan, and Jubal their Apollo.

3. Tubal-Cain was a famous smith, who greatly improved the art of working in brass and iron, for the service both of war and husbandry. He was their Vulcan. See here,

(1.) That worldly things are the only things that carnal wicked people set their hearts upon, and are most ingenious and industrious about. So it was with this impious race of cursed Cain. Here was a father of shepherds, and a father of musicians, but not a father of the faithful: here is one to teach in brass and iron, but none to teach the good knowledge of the Lord: here are devices how to be rich, and how to be mighty, and how to be merry: but nothing of God, or of his fear and service among them. Present things fill the hearts of most people. (2.) That even those who are destitute of the knowledge and grace of God, may be endued with many excellent useful accomplishments, which may make them famous and serviceable in their generation. Common gifts are given to bad men, while God chooses to himself the foolish things of the world.

23. And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech; for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt: 24. If Cain shall be avenged seven-fold, truly Lamech seventy and seven-fold.

By this speech of Lamech, which is here recorded, and, probably, was much talked of in those times, he further appears to have been a bad man, as Cain's accursed race generally were.


I. How haughtily and imperiously he speaks to his wives, as one that expected a mighty regard and observance. Hear my voice, ye wives of Lamech. No marvel that he who had broken one law of marriage, by taking two wives, broke another, which obliged him to be kind and tender to those he had taken, and to give honour to the wife as to the weaker vessel. Those are not always the most careful to do their own duty, that are highest in their demands of respect from others, and most frequent in calling upon their relations to know their place, and do their duty.

II. How bloody and barbarous he was to all about him. I have slain, or, (as it is in the margin,) I would slay a man in my own wound, and a young man in my hurt. He owns himself a man of a fierce and cruel disposition, that would lay about him without mercy, and kill all that stood in his way; be it a man, or a young man, nay, though he himself were in danger to be wounded and hurt in the conflict. Some think, because (v. 24.) he compares himself with Cain, that he had murdered some of the holy seed, the true worshippers of God, and that he acknowledges this to be the wounding of his conscience, and the hurt of his soul; and yet that like Cain, he continued impenitent, trembling and yet unhumbled. Or, his wives, knowing what manner of spirit he was of, how apt both to give and to resent provocation, were afraid lest somebody or other would be the death of him. "Never fear," says he, "I defy any man to set upon me; I will slay him, be he a man, or a young man." Note, It is a common thing for fierce and bloody men to glory in their shame, (Philip. 3. 19.) as if it were both their safety and their honour, that they care not how many lives are sacrificed to their angry resentments, nor how much they are hated, provided they may be feared. Oderint, dum metuant——Let them hate, provided they fear.

III. How impiously he presumes even upon God's protection in his wicked way, v. 24. He had heard that Cain should be avenged seven-fold, v. 15; that is, that if any man should dare to kill Cain, he should be severely reckoned with, and punished, for so doing, though Cain deserved to die a thousand deaths for the murder of his brother; and hence he infers, that if any one should kill him for the murders he had committed, God would much more avenge his death. As if the special care God took to prolong and secure the life of Cain, for special reasons peculiar to his case, and indeed for his sorer punishment, as the beings of the damned are continued——as if this care were designed for a protection to all murderers. Thus Lamech perversely argues, "If God provided for the safety of Cain, much more for mine; who, though I have slain many, yet never slew my own brother, and upon no provocation, as he did." Note, The reprieve of some sinners, and the patience God exercised toward them, are often abused to the hardening of others in the like sinful ways, Eccl. 8. 11. But though justice strike some slowly, others cannot therefore be sure but that they may be taken away with a swift destruction. Or, if God should bear long with those who thus presume upon his forbearance, they do but hereby treasure up unto themselves wrath against the day of wrath. Now this is all we have upon record in scripture concerning the family and posterity of cursed Cain, till we find them all cut off and perishing in the universal deluge.

25, And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. 26. And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos; then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.

This is the first mention of Adam in the story of this chapter. No question, the murder of Abel,