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Page:An Historical Essay on the Livery Companies of London.djvu/77

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The Cutlers' Company.

upon some day within one month next following after the Feasts of the Annunciation of our Blessed Virgin Mary the Nativity of St. John Baptist Saint Michael the Archangel and the Birth of our Lord Christ at the election of the Master and Wardens of the said Company for the time being or the greater number of them unto which Courts the Master and Wardens shall summon the members of the said Company at one or more of which Courts all the ordinances and orders of the said Company made or to be made or so many of them as shall be held necessary shall be distinctly and audibly read before the Members of the said Company who shall be there assembled the better to acquaint the said Members with the same.

Master to give security.ALSO it is ordained that every person of the said Company that shall be hereafter elected and chosen into the place or office of Master of the said Company shall before he take upon him to execute the same place give good security by Bond or otherwise as the Master and Wardens and Court of Assistants of the said Company for the time being shall direct and appoint of the penalty of Five hundred pounds with condition not to waste mis-spend or embezzle any of the monies goods or writings which shall be delivered to him or any way come to his hands belonging to the said Company but to deliver and pay the same money goods and writings to the Master of the said Company for the time being when thereunto required by order made at any Court of Assistants to be held for the said Company or otherwise from time to time to pay and dispose of the same as the Court of Assistants shall direct. And that no Master shall be sworn into his Office until such security be given as aforesaid.

Rentor Warden to give security.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that every person of the said Company that shall be hereafter elected and chosen into the place or office of Rentor of the said Company shall before he take upon him to execute the same place give good Security by Bond or otherwise