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Page:An account of the English colony in New South Wales.djvu/23

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convict executed.—Provisions.—Natives.—Convicts.—Grants of land.—Settlers.—Expences, how to be calculated.—Deaths in 1793.—Prices of grain, stock, and labour.—Murder committed.—Provisions.—Storm at Parramatta.—Crops.—A settlement fixed at the Hawkesbury.—Natives.—The Francis returns from Norfolk Island.—Information.—The New Zealand natives sent to their own country.—Disturbance at Norfolk Island.—Court of Enquiry at Sydney.—The Francis returns to Norfolk Island.—Natives troublesome.—State of provisions.

XIII. Alarming state of the provisions.—The William arrives with supplies from England, and the Arthur from Bengal.—The amor patriæ natural to man in all parts of the world.—Information.—Mr. Bampton.—Captain Bligh.—Admiral Barrington transport lost.—Full ration issued.—Ingratitude and just punishment of the settlers.—Gaming.—Honesty of a native.—The Dædalus arrives.—Information.—Female inconstancy, and its consequences.—Native killed.—Disorder in the eyes prevalent.—The William sails.—Cultivation.—Excursion.—A store-ship arrives.—Captain Bampton.—Full ration.—The Britannia, Speedy, and Halcyon arrive.—Particulars.—Account of stock.—The Hope arrives.—The Fanny arrives from Bombay.—Two convicts executed.—Excursion to the Western Mountains.—The Francis returns.—Corn bills not paid.—The Resolution and Salamander arrive.—Gales of wind.—Natives.—Convict executed.—A settler murdered.—The natives.—The Surprise arrives.—Deaths.—The Lieutenant-Governor leaves the settlement.—The Experiment arrives.—Captain Paterson assumes the command.—Ration.—Deaths in 1794. 252
XIV. Gangs sent to till the public grounds.—The Francis sails.—Regulations for the Hawkesbury.—Transactions there.—Natives.—Weather.—Deaths.—Produce at the river.—Natives.—The Francis returns from Port Stephens.—Transactions there.—The Britannia arrives from the Cape.—The Fancy from New Zealand.—Information.—A native killed.—Weather.—Criminal Court.—Ration reduced.—The Britannia hired to procure provisions.—Natives at the Hawkesbury.—The Endeavour arrives.—Convicts.—Casualties.—Ration.—A criminal and civil court held.—Circumstances of the death of Daveney.—Salt made.—Wilson, Knight, and the natives.—The Providence arrives from England.—Four convicts brought from Port Stephens.
