Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/207

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^ - THE TONGA ISLANDS. J4 «  ignorance of its being about to take place. He acknowledged, however, that Toobo Toa con- fided to him his intentions, and asked his as- sistance, which he promised : but that he had made this promise without meaning to fulfil it ; thinking by this method to satisfy for a time the urgent solicitations of that chief : lest, not having made it, he should undertake the rash act before proper measures could be adopted to prevent it. While he was yet speaking, his own wives and women, having been sent for, came and sat down behind him. His speech being ended, half an hour's silence ensued ; nobody daring to deliver his sentiments. The company then rose, by Finow's order, and followed him to his house. As he passed the body, he ordered it to be lifted up and carried before him. Wlien the procession arrived, the body was laid down on the outside of the house, and washed all over with a mixture of oil and water (as is always customary.) This office was per- formed by one of Finow's wives and Mr. Mari- ner ; nobody else offering to do it, on account of their objections to being tabooed*, Finow's

  • No person can touch a dead chief without being tnboo'd

for ten lunar months, except chiefs, who are only tabooed for three, four, or five months, according to the superiority of the dead chief ) except again it be the body of TooitoDga, and then even the greatest chief woiihl be tahno'd ten