Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/84

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they returned, having succeeded in plundering the town, without, however, finding any thing of much consequence. The booty consisted of l68 dollars, and a quantity of plate. In the mean while a whale boat was staved to pieces by the surf.

Friday, the 27th, the boats, manned and armed, were sent to attempt landing at a nunnery; but they could not effect their purpose, owing to the surf, which ran very high, and were consequently obliged to return. In the afternoon the Port au Prince discovered a sail, gave chase, came up with her at five P. M. and fired several shot; but being close in with the land, she made her escape under the batteries of Calao.

On Friday, the 4th of October, a sail being seen standing in for Paita, the two ships gave chase; the Lucy being ahead, took her, and found her to be a king's tender bound to Paita, laden with pork, bread, vinegar, and olive oil, for the Spanish frigate Astræa, lying at anchor in Paita roads. The circumstance of this frigate being there prevented a meditated attack upon the town. The frigate soon got under weigh, and gave chase to the two ships, which immediately stood out of the bay; but at two P.M. being three leagues from the shore, they tacked ship, and stood towards the Astræa, and in half an hour commenced a close action with her,