Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/86

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in want of provisions, received the whole of the stock from the prize, which was then ordered to proceed to James' Island, one of the Gallipago Islands.

On Tuesday, the 8th, in the afternoon, being to windward of Paita, the two ships bore up for the roads, where the Astræa was seen hauled close up in the head of the bay: they immediately stood in, and recommenced action with the frigate, which was continued for more than an hour, during which the Port au Prince received considerable damage. As the Astræa was hauled in shore, firm as a battery, with springs on her cables, her shot were sure to tell; and, as the two ships were obliged to engage her under weigh, they found it impossible to take her. Two carronades were dismounted on the quarter-deck of the Port au Prince: she had also one man killed by an eighteen pounder, which came through the bends into the cock-pit.

The two ships now stood out of the bay in company, proceeded on their voyage, and on Wednesday the l6th made Chatham Island, one of the Gallipagos. On the following day they came to an anchor, but saw no signs of the prize that had been ordered to proceed to this quarter, nor ever afterwards heard of her. Whilst at this place some turpin (land-tortoise) was procured from on shore; and all the plate and dol-