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Between these two extremes, both equally alarming, the wife, fate and honourable path presents itself, opening to us a prospect, fair, gratifying and glorious. Here let the temperate and independent part of the community hold on their course, with deliberate and firm step, moderating the headlong violence of these who would rush on either danger. Let every honed: effort be made to flop the further effusion of blood. Let every thing reasonable be conceded to the wishes of the people, and let force only begin, where just concession ends. I will not say that a perfect unanimity of sentiment throughout the kingdom would be the result of such a wife, humane and dignified conduct. There never existed a numerous society, in which considerable difference of opinion did not prevail: But I am sure much the greater part of the people would embrace with sincere and grateful joy, the terms of reconciliation. Though many may have been allured by ideal forms, while the good that is slid and practicable has been withheld, yet, when they are possessed of the latter without a struggle, they will never seek to realize the former through a sanguinary, and probably hopeless, contest. A few more turbulent spirits might inwardly repine at the disappointment of their daring projects, but they would be forced to acquiesce silently in the general sentiment. Perhaps for a little time, some of