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Page:An alphabetic dictionary of the Chinese language in the Foochow dialect.djvu/607

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tremulous motion, as of the bedclothes over a restless sleeper.

A sort of deer as large as a bear; power, ability, capacity; skill, talents; to be able, can, may; apt, able, competent: com., [1]꜁neng kang꜄ ability; [2]꜁chai ꜁neng, talent, genius; [3]꜁neng kaiu꜄ and [4]pok꜆ ꜁neng kaiu꜄ able and unable, can and cannot; [5]pok꜆ ꜁neng, unable, can't; [6]꜀꜁neng, very competent, accomplished; [7]꜁neng siok꜆ pok꜆ ꜁neng ꜁heng, can talk but can't perform.
Read ꜂ü; used for the coll. ꜁neng: milk; the breasts, an udder: [8]siăh꜇ ꜁neng, to drink or suck milk; [9]꜁neng ꜁tʻau, the nipple; full breasts, as after childbirth; [10]꜁ngu ꜁neng, cow's milk; [11]꜁ngu ꜁neng ꜁iu, butter; [12]꜁neng ꜁mwo, the breast of a male; [13]niék꜆ ꜁neng, to milk; [14]chʻau꜄ ꜁neng ꜀siéng, the strong scent of milk; [15]taung꜅ ꜁neng, to wean, weaned; [16]꜁neng ꜂chwi, (or chaík꜆), milk; [17]꜁neng ꜂ or [18]꜁neng ꜀ma, a wet-nurse.
Skilled in speech, eloquent, persuasive; artful, specious, insinuating; flattering; smart, ready in reply: [19]꜂tʻiéng neng꜅ flattering, cringing; [20]pok꜆ neng꜅ unready, slow of speech; [21]꜀kang neng꜅ false, treacherous in speech.
To recognize, to know well, to know again; to confess, to admit, to acknowledge; to distinguish, to discriminate between; a mark, criterion: com. sek꜆ neng꜅ to recognize, to identify;
neng꜅ chói꜅ to confess guilt; ꜅ neng꜅ (coll. ꜀pau neng꜅), to claim falsely; neng꜅ ꜀ching, to perceive truly or correctly; coll., ꜅ neng꜅ tek꜆ can't recognize (him); cho꜄ ke꜅ neng꜅ to mark, to use as a criterion; ka꜄ ꜁nëng neng꜅ to be surety for one; to enter into recognizances; neng꜅ tang꜅ to mistake in recognition; to confess an error; neng꜅ pʻieu꜄ ng꜅ neng꜅ ꜁nëng, (need only) recognize the bill or ticket, not the holder.
A surname.
A coll. euphonic prefix, as in neng꜅ niong꜅ to yield, give way to one; neng꜅ naing꜅ to chant or read over; neng꜅ niăng꜅ to flare, to flicker; to flash, as gunpowder.
A coll. word: probably a brogue for ꜁nëng, as in ꜂nëng ꜀ka, I, we, us.
A coll. character: a man, a person, a human being; pertaining to mankind, human: ꜁nëng ꜁nëng, or kauk꜆ ꜁nëng, everybody; ꜂ngwai ꜁nëng, we, us; tié꜅ ꜁nëng, who? ꜁tʻau ꜁nëng, the head-man, the chief; ꜁nëng ꜂kiăng, small images or pictures of persons; ꜁ëng ꜁nëng, a "red man"—i.e., a favorite; ꜁nëng ꜁wong, the chief of a household; ꜁꜁nëng ꜁tʻau, has no friends; twai꜅ ꜁nëng, adults; the great, the noble; ꜁nëng yok꜇, weak in body; ꜁nëng ꜁mwo, one's appearance, as thin or emaciated; ꜁nëng kʻaik꜆ (or ꜁) ꜁nëng,

  1. 能幹
  2. 才能
  3. 能彀
  4. 不能彀
  5. 不能
  6. 多能
  7. 能說不能行
  8. 食乳
  9. 乳頭
  10. 牛乳
  11. 牛乳油
  12. 乳模
  13. 攝乳
  14. 臭乳羶
  15. 斷乳
  16. 乳水
  17. 乳奶
  18. 乳嬷
  19. 諂佞
  20. 不佞
  21. 奸佞