he il head kap health san healthy sana hear aŭd heart parker heaven chiel (superutojh?) help help herb herb herring haring hide (n.) haŭt hide (v.) kash high alt highness mosht hill montel hinder malhelp hit frap hole tru holy sankt honest honest hope esper hopeless senesper korn korn horse cheval hospital malsanulejo hot varmeg hour hor house dom how kiel how many kiom how much kiom how old are you kian aghon vi havas? how do you do kiel vi fartas hum (v.) sonor humor humor human (adj.) homa human being (n.) hom humanity homaro humiliation malaltigho hundred cent husband vir, edz
I mi ice glacio if se ignoble (man) malnoblulo
illegiblenelegbl illuminate ekbrulig imagine si prezent immediately tuj immortalne mortem important grav impossible neebl improper malkonvenu in en inaudible mallaŭte incessantly senchese incomprehensible malkomprenebla incorrect malkonvenu increase (v.) pligrandigh incredible ne kredebl indecorous malkonvenu industrious laborema indispensable neces inexpressible neesprimebl infant infano infancy infaneco ink ink inn hotel in no wise neniel instead of anstataŭ insult insult instruct instru instructor instruanto intend intenc invite invit inward intern iron fer island insul issue forth (v.) elir it ghi, tio Italian, the, italujano
jest sherc jog sku joy ghoj judge (n.) jughanto judge (v.) jugh juice suk just just, prav justice pravigho
labor labor lad knab lame lam lamp lamp languagelinguo lantern lantern large largh last (v.) daŭ last (adj.) last late malfru law legh lazy maldiligent lead (v.) konduk leaf fol learn lern leave off ches legal legha legend popolrakont legible legebl less malpli lesson lecion lest last let, to las letter leter lie abed kush ligature kunligado ligh (v.) lum light the candle ekbruligu la kandelon ligh (adv.) facil lightning fulmin like (v.) am like (adj.) egal linen tojl lion leon lip lip listen to auskŭlt literally litere little malgranda live viv lock serur, shlos locksmith shlosilisto lodge logh lose (v.) perd