to a shoemaker? 4. I went to a shoemaker yesterday. 5. Could you see this small wing with a microscope? 6. Yes, I saw it with a microscope. 7. Why could you not go to see the flower yesterday? 8. I could not go to see the flower yesterday, because I had business (or there was business). 9. How did you go to Nagasaki? 10. I went in a ship. 11. At what time can you go to Yokohama to-day? 12. I can go to Yokohama directly. 13. Can you see this small work without a microscope? 14. No, I cannot see this small work without a microscope. 15. Have you seen the wing of a fly with a microscope? 16. Yes, I have seen (it). 17. Can you see the foot of a spider well without a microscope? 18, No, I cannot see (it) well. 19. When you were in Japan, did you go to Asakusa? 20. Yes, when I was in Japan, I went to Asakusa. 21. When you were in Japan, were you able to go to see the flower? 22. When I was in Tokio, I went in a boat to see the flower. 23. Was this small dog beaten by the people yesterday? 24. No, this small dog was not beaten.
Miyemasho, | Will, or shall be able to see. | |
Miru koto ga dekimasho, | ||
Miyemasumai, | Will, or shall not be able to see. | |
Miru koto ga dekimasumai, |