Page:An emigrant's home letters.djvu/102

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otherwise than by post, send me all the old Birmingham newspapers which you can muster, also, if you can get them, the Weekly Dispatch, Tait's Magazine, and other publications of a late date. The only way in which you can send anything with safety is to make it into a small parcel, and send it by some particular ship, writing me the ship's name by post, but minding that the letter does not come in the same ship; that is, write early enough for your letter to come by some ship that sails before the one which is to bring the parcel. Your living so far from any seaport is an obstacle, but you can write to the agent of the ship you see advertised in London or Liverpool. The Times newspaper is the best for shipping advertisements. I am intimately acquainted with Mr. Chapman, chief officer of the Robert Newton, to whose care I entrust this small parcel. Should he be coming out here again, I will get him to write to you before sailing, so that anything you may wish to send may be forwarded to him to bring out to me. The Robert Newton will sail from Sydney in about three weeks from the date of this. In all probability she will arrive in England about September. I am also well acquainted with Capt. Hurry of the barque Beatrice, now loading at