Page:An emigrant's home letters.djvu/149

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Lords; the Council of the Union issued an edict that every member and every man who wished it passed should wear upon his heart the Union Jack of Old England! Jewellers, silversmiths, steel and gilt toy makers vied with each other in making these insignia of the people's will as pretty and attractive as possible, and I well recollect the one worn by your father was of ivory, the carving and painting being his own work. He was one of the multitude who assembled at New Hall Hill, and the impassioned eloquence of Thomas Attwood, Joshua Scholefield, Geo. Edmunds and others must have had great influence in the formation and growth of those political convictions which he brought with him to Australia. From 1832 to 1838 your father was in the turmoil of political excitement; the Reform Bill was a failure, and the excitement of the disappointed culminated in the adoption of the 'national petition,' which demanded all those political privileges Avliich are now enjoyed by the people of England and Australia. I forward by the same post a very scarce copy of the printed report of the Grand Midland Demonstration at Holloway Head, in 1838, at which your father was present. It will recall to his mind names as familiar as household words.