Page:An emigrant's home letters.djvu/166

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Mr. John Taylor, Church Street, Parramatta 2
Mr. J. C. Thom, Solicitor for Railways, Sydney 1
Capt. W. C. Thomson, A.U.S.N. Company 1
Miss M. Thorne, Prestonville, Potts Point 1
Dr. R. C. Thorp, North Parramatta 1
Mr. A. A. P. Tighe, Waratah 2
Mr. James T. Tillock, Kent Street, Sydney 1
Mr. Alexander H. Turnbull, Wellington, N.Z. 1
Mr. Henry Turner, Bank of New South Wales, Sydney 1
Messrs. Turner and Henderson, Booksellers, Sydney 25
Mr. R. P. Tweeddy, Llandilo, Penrith 1
Mr. James R. Tyrrell, 3 Glebe Road, Sydney 1
Mr. J. L. Waddell, Quambone 1
Mr. Critchett Walker, C.M.G., Chief Secretary's Office, Sydney 6
Rev. John Walker, Braeside, Woollahra 1
Mr. J. T. Walker, Rosemoat, Woollahra 1
Mr. Robt. C. Walker, Moolwa, near Merrylaads 1
The Hon. James Watson, M.L.C, Glanworth, Darling Point 1
Mr. Samuel Watson, Institute for Deaf and Blind, Sydney 1
The Hon. Chief Justice Way, Supreme Court, Adelaide 1
Mrs. Wener, Greenwells, Walcha 1
Wesleyan Book Depot, Sydney 3
Mr. Thomas Whitley, Blackheath 1
Mr. Walter Wilson, Chief Secretary's Office, Sydney 1
Sir William Windeyer, LL.D., Tomago, Hunter River 1
Mr. B. R. Wise, Phillip Street, Sydney 1
Mr. Holyoake Woodd, Rockhampton, Queensland 1
Mr. Charles Young, Hilltop, Garland 1
The Hon. J. H. Young, Public Works Office, Sydney 1
The Hon. Sir William A. Zeal, Melbourne 3