Page:An emigrant's home letters.djvu/26

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similar. To him I have written a letter, too. Mr. Matthison knows me rather better. To the signatures of these gentlemen I should like to have added those of Mr. Porter, surgeon, Bromsgrove-street, Mr. Wright, thread manufacturer, Bromsgrove-street; but as I am in debt to Mr. Porter, and have been for a shameful long time, perhaps you had better not apply to him. I leave that to you. Mr. Wright, having been in the habit of seeing me more or less for so many years, must be a fitter person to judge of my character than any of the above. If you can get the signatures of all six, I shall be extremely glad. The certificates which they are to sign are marked at the top of leaf No. 2 and No 4, and each signature should comprise name, calling, and place of residence. For example: B, Hudson, bookseller, Birmingham. The other two certificates are to be signed by Mr. Houldin, my late master, only. They are marked No. 1 and No. 3; get these signed first. And then Clarinda must have a certificate, also—that marked No. 5 to be signed by Mr. Joseph Hardy, paper manufacturer. Great Hampton Row, and No. 6 to be signed by Mr. Cheatle, Chester-street, and Mr. Derrington, town missionary, next door but one or two to Garrison